Pick on Pay [V2.0]
Writing - Likely one of the hardest things in the world for me to do.

This isn't just a remake of the last thread I did were I asked for your opinions on my RPing and what not, instead I'm posting something of which I think is non-typical for a feedback request. I'll do my best to explain my dilemma and what I'm asking for, mind you that writing is one of the hardest things in the world for me to do. If you need any clarification on what my 'problem' is or what I'm asking for then do not hesitate to ask, it'll only end up giving me the help I think I need faster.

I'm not sure how many other people feel this way, and without trying to sound disrespectful I do not care either. I'm not trying to see how many people relate to me that way I do not feel singled out, or trying to find out how many people understand the 'struggle' (if you can even call it that.) that I face with writing.

With all of those shenanigans out of the way I will now explain what my problem is and what I'm looking for.

- The Problem

I'm not very confident in my writing skills, not at all; I constantly write replies on threads on the forums yet never click that post button because I'm not confident with what I've produced in writing. There have been times were I thought I had a really strong response which I've spent hours working on that I've just failed to post because I'm not confident enough that I'm answering the question(s), or that the post makes any sense itself.

"Wait, so why don't you just post the stuff you're not confident about here? We'll give you feedback!"

Anxiety, I don't want everyone in the forums being able to see something that I feel silly about and I wasn't even sure if I should have posted it in the first place. Plus it doesn't make much sense to me if I were to take a response I wasn't confident about and post it somewhere else, it likely won't happen.

- The Solution

I'm definitely not asking someone to sit around and baby me, correct every single mistake I make, or read every single piece of writing a produce. I would however like someone who's willing to take the time to talk with me whenever I'm feeling like my response isn't good enough, and sometimes even reading over some of the responses before I post them. I'm not asking for someone to actively read my posts and only my posts, but perhaps the person that I'm talking with runs over one of my more recent posts. Poke me on Skype and let them know what they thought about it.

- Ending Note

As I've said in the beginning of this post, writing is one of the hardest things in the world for me to do. I apologize if anything that's written is hard to understand, if you need me to reiterate or clarify something then quote it and ask. Thanks for taking your time to read, this post was hard for me to make.
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
Heck, honestly, I don't know. I'm guilty of nuking my own posts, but it's often due to dissatisfaction I can finish them rather than the content I've already finished; I have a 7k WIP thread lying around somewhere which'll probably never be finished.

To reiterate... Yeah, it's a real toughie. Not everybody is able to write the way they'd like, but, more likely, everybody thinks their writing isn't the way they'd like. My default state of mind is that everything I write is junk, and compliments really don't elucidate that for me.

For your writing, I've never really had a problem with it. Your profiles've always come out as perfectly fine in my eyes, including your most recent NElf one. I don't think your writing has a particular 'style' in said profiles, but that's not really a negative; as the son of a journalist, economy of language and clarity always comes before flavor to me, which you succeed in as far as I'm concerned.

I'd say that the solution is probably the simplest possible one; repetition. To this end, I really suggest you post those posts - unless they're insulting, there's pretty much no harm that they can do to you in such a tight-knit community. But that said, it also seems to be a confidence thing, which only you can solve.

This is kind of one big non-post that doesn't say much of value, but I'd be a massive hypocrite if I told you to not discard your own posts-in-progress then bin this one. So yeah, my thoughts.

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