Pick on Pay : The Third Rendition.
Hey there CotH. It's been a year, and instead of fixing my other feedback threads I decided to just go ahead and post a new one, because why not? That's why.

Below I only list approved characters, otherwise I'd be coming in here and editing the post daily. I create a concept, RP it once, delete it- That's no me gusta! Anyway, go ahead and leave your thoughts on me and my characters.

Nooken Gearhead
Jinks Fizzlewop
Nina Struever
Camen Mistblade
Rider Ellis
Jaiiel Norodel
Lydan Sunfire
Urr Rockfist

Sidenote - I'm all for criticism, so long as it's constructive. Dislike the way I do something? Let me know and let me know why, and if you have any suggestions on how I can fix this.

I don't mind a bit of hurt so long as it isn't just. "You suck."
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
You are my longest-running peon and the one I am most proud of!
(01-10-2015, 04:55 AM)Maulbane Wrote: You are my longest-running peon and the one I am most proud of!

Aren't I your only Peon? and I'm a grunt now, ya goof!
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
I'm afraid that you will always be a peon, Paylonas.
Oh Pay, it's been an utter pleasure to get to you know more as of recent.

If I've got anything to say in the ways of feedback, I think it'd be as so: You've got a good range of characters that cover a good range of expression from apathy to eccentrics and everything inbetween. They're good, solid, with humble foundations that have great potential. What I'd say, though, is to build upon that. It seems like most of the times your characters are reactionary, being that they're dependent on an outside influence to really get any of them up and going. Instead try having them be a bit more outgoing. Let them start the RP and set the scene. Maybe Lydan's lost his hand and can't find it? Maybe Nina needs a hand reaching a high shelf on the library. Maybe Nooken's dropped in from orbit after an unfortunate run-in with an explosive sheep and needs help finding his armor- which has been left in scraps all over the plaguelands.

Just some thoughts! Otherwise you know to hit me up whenever you want. Maybe we should get some League games going.

Thresh is best support.
(01-12-2015, 08:46 AM)Krilari Wrote: Oh Pay, it's been an utter pleasure to get to you know more as of recent.

If I've got anything to say in the ways of feedback, I think it'd be as so: You've got a good range of characters that cover a good range of expression from apathy to eccentrics and everything inbetween. They're good, solid, with humble foundations that have great potential. What I'd say, though, is to build upon that. It seems like most of the times your characters are reactionary, being that they're dependent on an outside influence to really get any of them up and going. Instead try having them be a bit more outgoing. Let them start the RP and set the scene. Maybe Lydan's lost his hand and can't find it? Maybe Nina needs a hand reaching a high shelf on the library. Maybe Nooken's dropped in from orbit after an unfortunate run-in with an explosive sheep and needs help finding his armor- which has been left in scraps all over the plaguelands.

Just some thoughts! Otherwise you know to hit me up whenever you want. Maybe we should get some League games going.

Thresh is best support.

I'm glad I've had the pleasure of giving you the pleasure to get to know me better, I think I said that right.I'm bad at english

Thanks for the feedback, and I'll be sure to keep it in mind. It's more-so of an OOC comfort I'd say, can't say I'm ever too excited to take lead of things in an RP situation, afraid I'll mess it up some way! Can't know until I try.

I'd love to play League with you! Give me a chance to practice more lanes and show you that nami is best support.
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]

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