Rensin. Feedback.
Champions suck. ;c

[Image: anigif_mobile_9893b2566588ab845c7985f71769a9f2-7.gif]
I have a lifetime sub and know people who play, though! But we'll see what I end up doing, heh. I'm still wavering over playing WoW.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Pfft. Id play but it gives me a headache. ;c

But maybe I will try it again.
[Image: anigif_mobile_9893b2566588ab845c7985f71769a9f2-7.gif]
I think you're a jerk, and that you smell bad, and that you look bad, and that you're bad in bed, and responsible for all the world's woes.

That being said,


I miss you

"What a mess we made, when it all went wrong..."
You guys got the worst avatars in the world and I just want to take hammer to my screen when I see them.

You should be cool like me.

Edit: And Rensins the coolest bruv in town.

All makt åt Tengil, vår befriare!

Rensin, don't think we've ever spoken in all the years either of us have been here. I tip my hat to your server-age and experience on CotH.

I appreciate the "chill" attitude you're trying to bring here.

However, I think it's bordering on...not sure how to put this. Disrespect isn't the right word, as your intentions are not disrespectful at all.

It seems, since you've returned, whenever people might disagree or be upset about something you say/have said "it's just a game" or something akin to that. I agree, people should not get upset over a game. However, as you know, CotH is a community. Sometimes things happen that affect the community. Even if this is a community built around a game, it is still a group of people communicating, sharing opinions, and ideas. People. Real ones.


Try not to use the hackneyed "it's just a game guize chiiiillll" line when it isn't relevant, or when the scope of something extends beyond "a/the game".

That's all.

Hope to see you back in the swing of things. The IC posts are fun to read.
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
I see what you mean, Cor, but when I say it's just a game, and not to take it seriously, what I'm trying to convey is that it's a community where other's are affected by the descisions of people who -are- being way too serious. Too often this community is up in arms over something minor, and ther are two large sides ready to duke it out while everyone else just wants to have fu-un.

BUT, I do know what you mean, saying it's a game sometimes isn't as proactive as I intend, and often just offends people. I could see how others think I'm playin' them off like keyboard cat, but really I'm just trying to bring levity or solutions to a situation where people seem uptight.

Thanks for the feedback guise.

And Krent. I know that feel bro, I'm really thinkin' I might.


(03-02-2012, 06:30 PM)Krent Wrote: I think you're a jerk, and that you smell bad, and that you look bad, and that you're bad in bed, and responsible for all the world's woes.

[Image: baby-crying.jpg]
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


(03-03-2012, 10:28 AM)Rensin Wrote: [Image: baby-crying.jpg]

A picture of Rensin's first encounter with me. It was terrific. For me, anyway.
Frogspawned: Frogspawned flips a table.
Frogspawned: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Frogspawned: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Bump, I've been in game, mostly as Hoofrot.

I play Rensin too, but the only interaction I've really had there is Cressy.

AND I KNOW HER OPINION OF ME ALREADY. It will make me cry if she gives it, like the above posts.

Anyhow, don't be afeard, peopurs. Say what you wanna 'bout mah IC stuff.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Yo. You better give me feedback, brah. Or I'll kill you.

And I'm not good at dis sheet, but I'll give it a (Poli)whirl.

Known you for effin' EVER(same day joined, eff yeah) and been RPing with you for a good amount of it. Always hella fun to play with your characters around because they tend to have gold material for jokes targeting any and everyone around, which make da insidez hurt. They're jokey and fun to be around but can still have depth and issues and flaws that are hidden but still there and when they come out, it shows that the character is more than just some wise-crackin' a-hole.

(Famous butt) I will say that, personally, sometimes it does feel like you're not taking some RP as serious as it may be, I think? Of course, this is personal preference. I tend to be a more srs kinda guy, so I'm just a baby and get irked at these things. xD

But it is still reassuring to know my above point regarding your character's hidden depth. It's something I like to do is make not everything so.. out there. People need to get to -know- your characters before they can truly understand how they work and sometimes even -why- they make the jokes they do. Which is really cool.

..Eff yeah.
Frogspawned: Frogspawned flips a table.
Frogspawned: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Frogspawned: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Heh, thanks. I do try to add things that aren't necessarily apparent to people I RP with only a few times, like in the case of Hoof... he jokes around because he's so severely depressed about being an undead Tauren that it's his only means of coping, if he didn't add levity to everything he did or said, he'd probably intentionally lose a fight to an abomination.

That being said, I do see your point about not being serious. That is soo one of my major flaws, it's almost like I can't take RP too seriously. I'll try to work on it, but for some reason it really, really goes against my grain to play serious characters too often. It's the same reason I'd make "Antione Harmonic" way back when, but I'd hardly ever play him. Sure people liked the character, but for me it was just boring.

Piken imma find yo feedback t'read.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Bumping again. I've been on a lot more, mostly on Rensin.

I'm also Hoofrot, Barticus, and some other characters yet to be named.

Also, this is my IC thread for Rensin, if you haven't interacted with me yet. What do you guys think?
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Sucky. :D

I'll post something meaningful later.
[Image: anigif_mobile_9893b2566588ab845c7985f71769a9f2-7.gif]
You're so meeean to me! I.

*Runs off sniffling and holding back the crying*
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


I'll take you up on this, Rensin! Even with my general distaste of feedback threads.

I've yet to roleplay with any of your characters for any extended period of time, so I am unfortunately unable to provide feedback in that area. I will, however, touch upon our interactions on the forums. When I originally saw your return to the forums, I was a little wary and it appeared that my concerns were well-founded; a lot of your initial posts seemed to emphasize how the server wasn't how you hoped it would be and tended to come off as fairly negative. I think that others may have felt this way as well, which may have resulted in your feelings of being disregarded. It can be somewhat hard to interact with someone who consistently notes the negative and reiterates it enough that is can seem like harping.

I know, of course, that this is just my interpretation of your actions. I also know that this is probably not your intent. I think that you may see yourself as something of a straight shooter (dammit, did I use that term correctly?), but it may not be seen that way by others, particularly those who don't know you on a more personal level. I understand how difficult it can be to interact with others when you're direct and blunt and unfailingly honest because I tend to have that problem myself.

That said, I've enjoyed the recent conversations that we've had on the forums and I feel that I've been able to see an entirely different side of you. It's one that I find very appealing and it is my hope that we are able to interact more with one another in the future. I've found it difficult to find someone who is willing to discuss things in great detail without getting emotional, so I'm happy when we do have those discussions. Or debates.

I think that it's a sign that I may be growing old.

Regarding your writing, it's fairly good and has a lot of potential. The rhythm of the writings seems a little off sometimes and it doesn't flow very well. I think that that is something that we develop as writers with time and experience, so be a more prolific writer! I'll read it all.

Also, a handful of things are awkwardly written. For example, from your initial post in the thread:

(01-17-2012, 12:43 PM)Rensin Wrote: He was wearing no shirt, and his black leather pants, along with some very basic gloves.

It may seem a little nit-picky (which isn't my point!), but it epitomizes the awkwardness that I sometimes feel when reading your writing. Rensin isn't wearing no shirt, but is rather not wearing a shirt or he is shirtless. It makes the remainder of the sentence feel a bit off and prevents it from flowing. This may be unique to me due to my own unfortunate tendencies, but I had to stop a moment, read the sentence again, and then finally comprehend what you were trying to convey, which disrupted my ability to read and enjoy your writing.

You generally avoid the pitfall of changing tenses while writing, which is something common of writers both new and old. It's very difficult to track on one's own, but I feel that it's important to pick a tense, stick with that tense, and only change when it serves a purpose. Anything else can be a stumbling block for readers and that's never good. For example:

(04-06-2012, 09:02 PM)Rensin Wrote: The fog in his head turns into a cloud of smoke. His brain had been consumed by the drink. He could smell himself, and it made him gag slightly in between the thoughts. The burps hadn't helped. Neither did that fact that he missed the drink so much.

For the entirety of the story, you wrote in past tense. However, at this point it temporarily switches over to present. Changing tenses can often be used as a tool to convey something, but I feel more like this was unintentional than not. It's a little thing, but it's something that can improve the quality of your writing in a surprisingly significant amount when you make that effort.

You are able to aptly convey the inner dialogue that Rensin seems to experience, as well as his physical reactions. They mesh well together and help further demonstrate the character. I wish, however, that you showed a similar amount of detail in writing out the initial fight. Almost everyone enjoys a good fight passage and the exchange between Rensin and his opponent was watered down into a single paragraph. This probably was intentional since it appears that the fight wasn't really an important part of the story, but I cannot lie: I like them fights.

Please let me know if you would like any clarification in what I have written, Rensin!

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