Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Community News (12 users browsing)
Any updates concerning the community will be posted in here.
Sub Forums:
Server Status Updates
695 8,722 DMCA Notice
04-21-2016, 02:13 PM
by Maulbane
Information & Policies
Important policies and other community information can be found in here.
Sub Forums:
Custom Roleplay Locations
25 157 The Undermine
11-17-2013, 03:05 PM
by Reigen
Articles & Guides (2 users browsing)
Important articles/guides that are worthwhile to read (whether to enhance roleplaying, help in connecting to the server, etc.) can be found in here!
Sub Forums:
137 2,608 Understanding Shamanism
01-11-2015, 03:51 PM
by Bodolfo
Staff Blogs (1 user browsing)
Here is where each staff member that opts for it will be given a forum of their own to post in, sort of like a blog. If they already have an external one, a link will be provided to it and they will post in their forum when they have a new post of interest to the server!
Sub Forums:
Kretol's Blog,
Grakor's Blog,
ImagenAshyun's Blog,
Krilari's Blog,
Loxmardin's Blog,
Mathias's Blog,
Reigen's Blog,
Rigley's Blog,
Ural's Blog
216 4,962 MUD Checklist and Dev Not...
02-19-2015, 04:50 PM
by MstrCorvus
New Users
NEW USERS, LOOK HERE! Feel free to ask any questions here, as this is the only place you can post until you post an introduction!
84 541 Hello from France !
02-29-2016, 04:03 PM
by Kretol

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Discussion (40 users browsing)
Anything regarding the community or roleplay can be posted here! Game-specific threads should be kept to their own subforums (or the Other Games forum).
Sub Forums:
Feedback Requests,
4,421 51,931 Idk
01-07-2025, 09:42 PM
by WindZealot
Introductions (24 users browsing)
Introduce yourself here! Be sure to read the stickies within before posting an introduction. You must post an introduction before you can participate in other sections of the forum.
Moderated By: Forum Helpers, Trial GMs
4,627 12,242 Introduction Memphis
05-26-2018, 05:09 AM
by Maulbane
Other Games (3 users browsing)
Use this forum for game topics that don't involve any of the game shards. If enough folks show interest in a particular game, a shard may be created to help facilitate communication.
207 3,079 *cough* Final Fantasy XIV...
05-27-2016, 08:21 PM
by Demigod204
Are you seeking a group to join in a game or environment that isn't related to one of the shards? Or are you perhaps looking for others to join you on a grand new adventure? Or maybe you're seeking to create a shard of your own and need folks to help you plan, design, and create it?
Post in here!
5 18 Svempagunnar's personal/l...
07-24-2015, 09:09 AM
by svempagunnar
Staff Requests/Suggestions (180 users browsing)
Have a request for something? Have an idea of something to add to the forums? Please post it in here!
858 7,975 Artifacts on the wiki
01-22-2015, 07:50 AM
by Piroska
Technical Support (7 users browsing)
Having issues connecting to a server or registering a game account somewhere? Or perhaps some other computer issue is ailing you? Or do you have other technical questions? Be sure to read the stickies located within here first! If they don't help, try to read any threads that may have similar issues as you. If no resolution is found, feel free to start a thread and we can try to assist!
Sub Forums:
GHI & Other Code Support,
Test Forum
979 6,796 The Guide to Getting Star...
01-26-2015, 05:51 AM
by lordnathal

These are subforums for games, game servers, or other environments that community members are playing in that have a notable amount of interest and activity.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Topics regarding development of game worlds or shards can go in here!
0 0
Guild Wars 2 6 10 Melina Dustwallow (Human ...
02-13-2015, 11:35 AM
by Holynexus
World of Warcraft (36 users browsing)
Many topics in here may not be completely relevant anymore considering anything posted prior to February 2015 will have been from when CotH was focused completely on being a private WoW RP community.
However, for folks that may play on retail or be part of other WoW communities as well, these subforums may be of use!
Sub Forums:
[WoW] Character Profiles,
[WoW] Workshop,
[WoW] In-Character Forum,
[WoW] Lore,
[WoW] Event Planning,
[WoW] Storylines,
[WoW] Guilds
5,509 44,883 Custom Lore Proposal: Gal...
11-13-2024, 10:42 PM
by Mathias

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Topics regarding things other than gaming or RP can be posted in here!
Sub Forums:
Oleandrum Exhibition of Fine Arts,
Grakorian University of Literary Marvels,
3,221 70,397 Where Are You Now?
11-13-2024, 10:39 PM
by Mathias
Downloads (1 user browsing) 22 99 UnlimitedChatMessage 1.9....
06-14-2014, 03:35 AM
by Psychyn

Board Statistics
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236 users active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 232 guests).
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Today's Birthdays
Gunnash (31)
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 312,937 posts in 36,387 threads.
We currently have 6,160 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, Moana
The most users online at one time was 2,540 on 07-20-2024 at 10:33 PM
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