Feedback: Jonoth and his Legion of Alts
Since you already know how much I enjoy your characters, the rest of this post from this point on will be some things that I think would help you improve!

*cracks knuckles* Let's go!

Here are my views of your characters.

Captain Jonoth Shyemlye - Admiral of The Bloodpaw: Jonoth seems to vary in mood from time to time, one moment he is a very intimidating character then a little later he can become a goof. He has a few selfish tendencies.(Ex: Most decisions that affected the Bloodpaw as a whole weren't influenced by its members.) Missing a jaw doesn't appear to damper his goals or affect him much at all. (Other than making conversations a bit more difficult.)

Dibykali - Darkspear Orc: Seems a bit older than she actually is. I've not seen her fear much at all. Diby is definitely a strong, independent woman, who doesn't take s*** from anyone. She doesn't seem to have a real goal in life, or something that keeps her going everyday.(Ex: Originally wanted to be Shadow Hunter, then normal hunter, now to alchemy/headhunting.)

Penandion Weepwillow - Demon Hunter: I have not roleplayed with this character, therefore I shall move on!

Dunkhaan - Stormcaller: From my roleplay with Dunkhaan he seems more like a surface character. I've never seen any hints at his past and how he felt constantly running from demons. What caused him to choose the elements over the light? I'd also suggest trying to describe his manliness with more words than manliness. The hardest thing is that I've not seen any emotion deeper than pure testosterone and manliness with Dunkhaan.

Quennath Bloodletter - Handsome Hunter: I don't believe I've roleplayed with this character, moving on!

Lady Bruhara D'Argent - Witch: An odd little character that appears to enjoy unlife instead of taking it seriously. Doesn't appear to be evil at all. She also seems to have turned her demons into servants who do her bidding, instead of the other way around.

Sister Gabrielle Lincoln - Nun of War: A passionate, caring figure. Is up there in age, but does not let that stop her. Very religious, and doesn't tolerate disrespect.

Alekzandra Staarnjor - Teleporter: One of the most solid characters of yours. My only qualm is how little roleplay she receives.

Running a guild.

One more suggestion. Before taking the wheel of the Bloodpaw again, I'd suggest running some spontaneous events to get a feel for what works well with events, find your limits with the number of people you can DM effectively, and acquire feedback from them. That way when you do head a guild, you're confident and know exactly what you're doing.

P.S. I'll try writing more ic posts if you do. :P
Hello there! So, It's been a couple months, and a few things have happened since my last feedbacks. Cata is here, and some of my chars have been updated for the switch. I've got two new chars that have brought back a bit of the spark of starting with a clean slate and letting the RP dictate their direction. And lastly, I decided to take on the role of GM again to help out the community. So I'm looking for feedback as to how my RP has been, as well as my GMing. My most played characters since Cata are:

Jonoth "Bloodpaw" Shyemlye - Swordsmithing Adventurer
Haiko Modanson - Mountain King and General of The Regiment
Yannikz "Coffee" Cawfe - Goblin "Insurance Salesman"
Dibykali - Darkspear Orc
Brother Thalvin Menshill - Worgen Friar
Penandion Weepwillow - Demon Hunter
Dunkhaan - Stormcaller
You still owe me my sword. I refuse to give feedback..... Because I've only rp'd with you..... Once...? I guess.
"Excellence is when failure becomes improvement"

[Image: a7KvoWr_460sa_v1.gif]
Decided to jump on the Kidnapped feedback train. I'd love some feedback on Brother Thalvin given this long run playing him. Feedback on my other characters, The Regiment, and my GMing is also welcome and encouraged!
lrn2gm n00b..

And Penandion will henceforth be nicknamed 'Cowboy'. Just don't prematurely ride off into the sunset. At least, not without first snatching up a girl.
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
Thalvin was fun to be around and talk to during the event. He has a calming, welcoming presence that makes characters just open up to him. And, hey, you've got a disabled character that's learned to work around his disability without completely making it irrelevant. That's good!

I did feel sorry for him, given that his deafness made him constantly miss out on things in Kidnapped. He has a character seems like he'd be better served working in smaller events than this one. I often observed you kind of just going silent and waffling around on him, not sure what to do. I can't be sure if it was because of you getting busy, content with watching, or simply peering around going "Uh, what do?" but it was something I noticed. Perhaps Thalvin needs to be more assertive?

Nonetheless, I loved the character. Would love to interact with him on others. Maybe he can run into Gunnar at some point.
Have you hugged an orc today?
- I am not tech support. Please do not contact me regarding technical issues. -
(07-08-2013, 08:13 AM)Grakor456 Wrote: I did feel sorry for him, given that his deafness made him constantly miss out on things in Kidnapped. He has a character seems like he'd be better served working in smaller events than this one. I often observed you kind of just going silent and waffling around on him, not sure what to do. I can't be sure if it was because of you getting busy, content with watching, or simply peering around going "Uh, what do?" but it was something I noticed. Perhaps Thalvin needs to be more assertive?

It was mostly trying to play on his disability. One-on-one conversations or even with two people at best make sense for him to keep up. But once a large group forms and talking amongst themselves, I imagined it would be hard to follow, so a lot of the waffling (I love that word) was both me being okay with watching as well as both IC and OOC being in a state of "Uh, what do?". I'm trying to keep him out of that "I'm disabled but not really" territory you mentioned, and I had an idea going into it that such a large event would not play into his favor, and in fact, I was pleasantly surprised at just how well that turned out. He may not be able to take the lead in such events, but what I did get was direction. I discovered a whole lot more about Thalvin than I knew taking him into it. And interestingly enough, getting him more assertive is the path he's on now!

I do also hope to RP more with you as well! Bring on the Gunnar!
Thalvin and Maeia

best buddies yo
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Thaaaaaaaaaalviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. I want more derpy disabled priest shenanigans in the near future. Thalvin and Kitson were a delight to have together! My only regret is that, well, they haven't interacted enough, so they couldn't develop whatever silliness could be had with a blind and a deaf men. At least not enough.

That's all I can really say. I seem to have missed a lot of RP opportunities with you, as some of the times I would log on, you're logging off. Nevertheless, I think we can arrange for RP more. Thalvin genuinely interests me the same reason why I have fun with Kitson--he's a 'squishy' class with a disability, but rather than use that disability to make him superhuman, it it provides a limitation on him that challenges his ability to adapt--and his means in doing so is mundane rather than, again, superhuman (reading lips and body language).

I really hope to meet Thalvin again very soon, as well as your other characters. When will you be taking Lola hostage? >:C
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
Hi CotH. It's Jonoth.

I'm in sort of a....transitional phase. My thirtieth birthday is coming up in a couple days (old Jonoth is old), and with it has come a lot of reflection about my life, and what I'm up to, and how to make things better. I've been thinking about my role on the server, and still working out the kinks of how to proceed, so I'm probably going to use the next week or so to really map things out. A bit of self feedback I thought could do me some good.

Firstly, as most probably already realized, I stepped down (again) from the GM team. Things at my RL job have been stressful, and while serving this community is not something I regret, it does come with its own set of challenges that I just don't have the patience for like I used to. It's not an easy task to keep things running, and I envy those who've managed to do so for so long. I'd just gotten to the point where, to use an old cliche, I stopped being part of the solution. There are wonderful and active team members that will continue to do an awesome job.

Secondly, I came to the realization (again) that as a guild leader, I suck. I've improved somewhat in my events, but keeping honest with myself, I suck at maintaining storylines. A large part of it is a bit selfish, as I find it difficult to both be a part of and run events at the same time. So I end up defaulting to the event-running, and no matter how I try, it just doesn't feel the same as taking part of the action. Also, I end up with a variety of timezones that I seem to never be able to balance out, so I end up freezing at the idea of trying to make it work. So what I'm trying to say, is that I've been like that person you may have found yourself attracted to, only to end up in the friend zone. Only in this case, friend zone means inactive guild.

Lastly, I have too many characters with either hung up storylines, or that were made out to be close to or past what the end of their emotional/character journey should be. Its led to a lot of being unsure where to go, and what to do with them. So when I log in and get to my character list, I just feel like a deer in headlights, unable to move or decide, and ultimately heading off to do something else.

So what to do to solve this dilemma? I still love RPing here, but need to free things up so I can do it on more pleasant terms. I decided on a two-pronged attack. I've made a few hard choices on characters, and still have one or two more before it's done. Characters that I like a lot, but just don't have a reason to play, or something for them to strive for. So I'm dropping damn-near everyone. I mulled over a full wipe, but that would never stick.

I've also delegated responsibilities of the Regiment to another player, and working to break up The Bloodpaw into a fleet, with players having the options of being their own captains and running their own missions primarily. The idea is for people in similar zones to have more freedom to work together rather than have one ship that everyone has to wait on.

So as of now, here's my character list moving ahead, and feedback on them is appreciated. If they aren't on the list, then they had a good run, but it's their time, and I hope they provided some entertainment


High Risk For Removal (to be decided in the next week or two):
Matthew and Haiko could be buddies, and Thalvin is needed for weddings.

But yeah, delete Tun'kar. No one likes orcs.
(10-13-2013, 02:16 PM)Mathias Wrote: No one likes orcs.

RIP Mathias, 02/04/1992 - 10/13/2013.

Death by Banhammer.
I wouldn't like any of those characters to go, they all fill different niches. That said, I have a personal fondness for Thalvin.

Dunkhaaaaaan Q_Q
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.

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