Squirrel's DMing and RPing feedback
Events: (Will Update).
-Naga need to kill stuff, too! (Done. Gavints, Granger, Kiallie, Solzhenitsyn & Montag)
-Harpies and Heretics. (Done. Eskos, Relon, Valenia, Harris & Mulix)
-Mining Mixup. (Done. Kother, Alakdan, Ralerian, Cassiel, Rikidan, Valon & Tannayka) *Special thanks to Xigo for spawning and switching phases.
-Kraken Curses. (Done. Alexandria, Valon, Cairnsmith, Andarun, Oyle, Ural & Murcel) *Special thanks to Nexi for spawning, porting and switching phases. Synopsis given by Murcel; So this is how it happens, the genius Dwarves and Gnome Engineers see something shiny, wake a beast, exhaust themselves and flee.
-Shadowmoon's Shot (Done. Nikolisko, Valon, Relon, Krona, Anja & Soliran) *Special thanks to Krilari for Spawning, morphing, flying, porting and phasing.
-Wedding's Worry (Done. Demitrius, Krona, Relon, Valon & Nemus) *Special thanks to Krilari for morphing, porting and phasing.
-Chesses Chances (Done. Josie, Cairnsmith, Elyssa, Peter, Valon, Bezington) *Very special thanks for Krilari for morphing, spawning, multi-tasking, porting, following me, and patience.

Bragdana -- This guy is my longest lasting character. He's also a Pyremaster in training, and has to be one of my more trauma'd characters.
Shivala -- This character is a former Dead Shot (which I retconned) and the one that most people know me by. She is also my only character in a relationship, ironically with my most disliked Prestige.
Salsh'alei -- This character has to be my favorite out of them all. Her history is the longest on the wiki, and she's my only character that wants overall peace.
Sasha -- This character is something that I've always wanted to do, but have always lacked execution on, and is my only working attempt at this.
Tra'laena -- This character is my Harry Potter - Amazon - Sparta mixture. 'nuff said.
Brianna -- Honestly, this character is, in my opinion, the saddest history of all my other characters. Honestly, her dad killed himself because she looked like her mom.

As for myself; I'm a 14 year old who's first RP was on CotH. Ironically, half of my characters are Night Elf females, despite me not being a Night Elf or a female. When it comes to RP, my views are rather not the regular. I don't want resurrection to be around, I largely dislike the popular Prestiges because they're either popular or just powerful, in my opinion, and I dislike cross-faction of all types. Also, I can't stand anyone but Death Knights wearing full t8+, or gear that just doesn't fit their class at all, and staunchly am against Living Death Knights. Also, I like Harry Potter, so the majority of my characters have something in common with someone from HP. Also, I like hosting events. Two of the largest problems I see in myself are

1) My obsession with making my IC posts a certain length, no matter the means to it.
2) Disrespecting people and not realizing I'm doing it.

Hit me, bro.
Edited to be more... current!
Once again added with my newest event!
Loved your past two Events

The first one with the airship from Everlook to Ratchet was a little shaky, but that's to be expected with so little cooperation from the players. The one in the cave from STV was great, I loved it as well. Could have used some variation in mobs but it was fine for that setting.

Very exciting! Thanks for all the fun. I look forward to more awesome events.

Edit: Typos, and failure at reading OP.

My character Alakdan was in Harpies and Heretics and your latest event.
You are a great DM that knows when to give and take. Your events also have twists that are well placed and serve to enrich the desired mood.

I thought the 'Heretics' in your Harpies and Heretics event were a bit much but they did emphasize the chaos of a crashing airship, they showed that our characters shouldn't expect to catch a break.

All in all, you know fun.
Ozeswe: Thank you! I plan on having lots of variation during my next one, so hopefully that one will be good. Also, what do you mean by titling? I titled them in the original post, along with the names of the players that attended. Do you mean putting in which one I added in my future update posts?

McHadies: Well, thank you for all the compliments! *blushes*. I admit that the Harpies and Heretics was a bit messed up, so I'm planning what will happen further in each event, other then the just simple mental synopsis. Hopefully, that will make it be less OOC chaotic, and more IC chaotic.

Thank you both for posting!
A new event has been done and finished! Be sure to check it out above :).
I liked the underwater kracken event. Things went pretty smooth and seemed like it was going at a pretty predicable pace. Sometimes I think events take "forever" then suddenly end. This one had a nice little ending with the elven maiden back-story.

5/5 Dwarven stouts. Beer
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
Ay. I felt it ended too early, as well. Although, thank you! I tried especially hard to lay on the puzzles for this event, and I feel I did good, with only three rolls.
New Event has been done and added.
Shadowmoon Battle RP was fun, short and interesting. Although Soliran fainted. D:
Good stuff, and I've only been in teh mining/kraken event, and now the outland, so :D. In any case my name is mispelled in the mining one. Also I think when it comes to my favorite it's a tie between the outland and mining event for my favorite right now.
Back On the market
(06-22-2011, 10:30 AM)PurgatoryDuck Wrote: Good stuff, and I've only been in teh mining/kraken event, and now the outland, so :D. In any case my name is mispelled in the mining one. Also I think when it comes to my favorite it's a tie between the outland and mining event for my favorite right now.

So you like Combat? And name was fixed.

Yeah, combat is Valon's forte, but if he gets thrown something with mystery, he go for it. Basically it's whatever will get him cash, but fighting is most pleasing for him.
Back On the market
(06-22-2011, 11:02 AM)PurgatoryDuck Wrote: Yeah, combat is Valon's forte, but if he gets thrown something with mystery, he go for it. Basically it's whatever will get him cash, but fighting is most pleasing for him.

Ah. Well, I'll look for more feedback and see if other people would like to see more as well!


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