Feedback for Kage.
Feedback is good. Everyone needs it. So I've revised this to hopefully get some. What we have to offer is Daichi Windwalker, that pup of a Blademaster, still trying to figure out what his true duty is to the horde, Bormus, the big black and red Runemaster Tauren, and Krest, the one armed officer of the Silverfangs. Got a couple of post's worth of stories, one simply being a rendition of IC battles, he other an assignment in which I had to write like Edgar Allan Poe. Lemmi know how I did, and please, feedback if you will!
Updated, and still looking for some more!
Tis time for a bump then.
Bump it!
Daichi - I don't like the character, to be perfectly honest, but I like how you play him. I just don't like the idea of an effeminate male orc running around as a blademaster with what seems to be a skewed sense of honor, but I've come to the conclusion that I know what style you're aiming for. You seem to be shooting for the "unsuccessful badass" style, which, to be honest, you pull off well. You lose fights, especially when they're trust fights, and you're excited to lose them because you know they'll bring great character development. This is an incredibly rare trait, I've found, and it's pretty awesome of you. You give other people their moments of glory, and you enjoy the anti-glory that comes with theirs.

Krest - He's... a blood elf. I don't like blood elves, really, so I don't interact with them ICly very often. That's just me, so I can't offer much on this guy. Sorry!

Bormus - Never met him, can't offer anything. Sorry again!

You - You're able to lose when you should and can do it with the required amount of grace or epic failure you need. As for criticism, you need to befriend people OOCly more to get some more IC action.
Kage, Kage, Kage....
I would believe this is when one would say, "You just got Pwned!" but to be honest, I have to learn more about your characters before I can say anything.
[Image: Party-Hard-Slender-Man-the-slender-man-2...23-316.gif]
Alright. Lets get a bump in here eh?
Simple feedback for you... I don't really RP with any of your characters besides Daichi, on Zur'an.

I'd say Daichi is too high of 'rank' in the Horde to be hanging out around Ratchet. Which is why I have to say this... I guess you have too 'high level' characters, as in political or militarily to be participating in Open Tavern RP. With Krest, imo he is part of a Noble Family which kind of restricts you to closed RP. But that's just my opinion. I'd say make a middle classed character and maybe you will get more RP!

(I don't even think this makes sense but I am overly tired lol.)

gnome guy

Lets bump this aye? xD
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Feedback, well lemmie see.

Daichi- That orc..THAT ORC one of them orcs you just gotta make talk, because he no like talk, but that is okay!

Krest- That elf...with one arm...HAH XD

In real, I don't have much to say honestly your a fun guy to RP with x.x
[Image: 20.jpg]
Want to send some Feedback? Go ahead!

[Image: 520a44a794fdb.jpg]

Lets bump-it!
Seems many others have been posting and bumping their feedbacks, so I figure why not? I have changed Daichi around, and I'm curious as to how it's worked so far. Lemmi know if I still have a ways to go before I can get him to where I want! (Not that any of you know what it is. I'm still unsure myself, but feeback'll help me figure it out)
So now that I've been trying my hand at events, I'd like some feedback on them. I know their unorganized, but how do people think about them? And as always, everything else is up for grabs!
Woah, three bumps with no reply? Heh, I'll crack the ice!

While I haven't been to any events performed by you, I do have some feedback. First, the positive ones: I like you. You're friendly, helpful and, from what I know, really good at what you've always known, and that's a trait to be applauded for; you're good at honorable, non-brutal'ish orcs, like Daichi! However, that is where my RP'ing experiences end -- not saying these few ones weren't great, or that we shouldn't RP on other characters; quite the contrary, we should!

On the other hand, though, I've seen a, perhaps, recent downfall in, shall we say, grammar skills. You make hasty mistakes, such as confusing "their" and "they're", among others. Maybe try not to hurry so much in writing and re-reading the sentence or emote. I keep a channel of my own (named "lol"), in which I copy-paste my own replies or emotes for an extra checking, whenever needed; you're free to join it.

Other than that, I hope all your real life problems will get solved happily! Peace out, and see you on Skype and in the Watchers.

Kira, out.
Lets toss out another bump eh?

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