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11-25-2012, 01:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-14-2015, 02:52 AM by Stealthscout.)
Hey Cothers! I guess it's the time of the year when I get all worried on how I RP in general!
So I would like you folks to tell me how I do with my characters!
Celen Sunspear- The young and hot-headed Blood elf, doing almost anything with almost to no thinking. No longer fighting, she walks around with her violin and spends time with random people.
Tyestus Fireweave- The gentleman, working his way to perfect his magic style, and become a magister(Also blind)
Rahirn- Although I didn't play with him much.. still could use some feedback! *the spirit walker*
Korius Tailor- The soldier who fought in the highlands. He is pretty much that pet character you have for Alliance events.
Cayia Stormleaf- The Night elf Rider, fights with her Hippogryph, Vekyla, and is there to provide Nelfy RP.
Valia - The Traveler Draenei! the kind and generous, willing to help everyone in need! She is now a Shaman.
Doria Greenwood- My first chaotic character
she acts innocently when she is a public, but she is just another nut-case. (Dead)
Fenlan- my Project on increasing my range on RPing, I am always sticking on being kind and helping, and friendly, I am trying to break out if that with Doria and Fenlan. (Now only Fenlan)
Brad- My Human Sailor hiding mage. He is around.
Katia- Worgen criminal. She works under a crime lord while she retains the job of being a Scavanger.
Shallah- Undead dark ranger. Need To RP with!
Those are all! I appreciate negative comments too, if you don't have any positive ones!
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Valia makes me happy. Haven't got to RP much with Celen suprisingly so whenever I get over my belf xenophobia we'll see about correcting that. Cayia is probably the toon I've had the most contact with ICly and I think she is well played all in all. You are well mannered and civil in OOC and I was impressed by how active you tried to keep the Murders of Darkshire game. No bad critizism here, just don't forget that we are all ever improving as writers... there are always improvements to be made even if I can't think of any off hand.
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Thanks for the feed back!
I will be very active at the weekend, so we will fix the Celen problem then if you would like!
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PM sent for your feedback.
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11-26-2012, 02:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2012, 02:15 PM by Noble.)
Well, seeing as how this is focused on Celen! (Telen here btw) I shall give that! I liked how you potrayed her personality as a youthful and naive belf, 'twas rather well done. One thing you could improve though is your grammar, though thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Otherwise you're doing great.
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Thanks for the feedback!
That is what I aim people to see at Celen! And I am glad you got that image!
The grammar part, yeah I know... Fixing it everyday! :3
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Cayia is great. A typical Kaldorei woman if I ever saw one. I love the transition phase she's in with her growing hippogryph. I just wish we could RP more so to give you more in-depth feedback.
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11-26-2012, 07:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2012, 07:58 PM by Nick.)
Well, I can only comment on my RP with Cayia. I can safely say I enjoyed my RP with Cayia quite a bit. A wonderfully written Kaldorei and, with the hippogryph floating about, quite funny at times as well!
I will note that your grammar could use a little more work (which, obviously, is something which will be fixed when you've spent more time around here). Not saying your English is bad, just that you do make some mistakes here and there.
Since this -is- your feedback thread, I'll also jump back a little to that little episode we had in party chat with the Azshara RP (I won't be any more specific so as to not accidentally name anyone). I do understand how you didn't want Cayia to leave Ashenvale since I do it quite a bit on Franziska. However, I feel that both of you could've handled the situation a bit more maturely at the time as opposed to the constant back and forth that happened which I had to put a stop to...
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Thanks for the feedback!
To see Cayia look that way in your eyes is great! I never knew how she was to anyone until now, glad to hear it's good!
Yeah, I agree on that part, could have handled better.
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12-19-2012, 08:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2012, 09:11 AM by c0rzilla.)
I think the only two characters of yours that I've RPed with are Celen and Valia. Remind me if I'm wrong, yes?
Celen - While playing a "hot headed" character isn't bad by itself, Celen dives headfirst without a bungee cord into annoying/bossy territory. I'll use a recent example; her going with the Gray Militia on their dungeon delving. I get Xavier is on the crazy side, not 100% reliable (<3 you Rensin) but it seemed like most of Celen's talking consisted of bossing him around like he was utterly clueless. It got very, very annoying very fast when some of us just wanted to hear Xavier's instructions and get on with things. I get Celen's bossing may have come from Xavier being high on that rage tea, but there's a point where the poking and prodding of a character goes from "hah, she's such an imp" to "...does she know when to stop?".
Valia - I've really only seen her once. Is her pet still named Kurenai? I really advise changing the name, as "Kurenai" means "redeemed" in draenic, and is the name of the group of Broken that have decided to work with the draenei. Naming an animal "Kurenai" would be very insulting to their plight. They escaped the bonds of slavery of various demonic masters in Outland--treated like animals. And worse. Though, it would be interesting if Valia really did think of them as animals.
Yourself - I can't say we've spoken much, so I don't know you too well. But, I would advise cutting down on the "weeaboo" tendencies. I like anime as well, as you've seen with my Sailor Saturn avatar a while back. However, there comes a point where it's a tad much, and it makes you look shallow. When? Well, after Pharaoh put up his latest CotHCast, you quickly whispered me because you were giddy that my orc, Orvisha, had (amongst other things) Japanese influences. I don't remember exactly what you said, but you just seemed focused on the potential anime influences she might possess. On the contrary, I put a bit of research into many "Asian" musical instruments. There is no anime referencing in Orvisha (I hope), so--please look more into the various cultures on that side of the world. There's more to it than anime.
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Thanks for the feed back! And I am glad you think about Celen you think of Celen like that! She was utterly pissed off and had all of her fuses Burnt when she entered that tomb!
As for Kurenai, I guess I should change it, considering many people ask to change it.