Morhana's Feedback
Hey all, just looking for some feedback on my RP, my characters, and all that related.

My active characters are:
1. Karmaul Swiftblade, Blademaster Kenchu of the Horde, Recruit of the Scarshield Vanguard
2. Ganrik, Dwarf Templar and recruit of the Argent Crusade
3. Arahaelon Erurion Amberdawn, Uncle of Nevael Amberdawn of House Amberdawn
4. Nibeniel Sunfire, Daughter of Sanguis Del'averi Sunfire
5. Kaanai, Shadeweaver Aspirant
6. Locien, Swordsman for Justice

My past/inactive characters are:
1. Grand Knight Kelynda Valdamorei, Grand Master of the Order of the Crimson Sun (Dead)
2. Chroessand Valdamorei, Death-Knight and fallen brother of Valdamorei sisters (Dead)
3. Jarred Wolfe, Gilnean Rogue
4. Aeus Rteschiaron, Former Master of Games of the Battle and Gambling Society (Dead)

I'm mostly looking for input on my active characters, but I would love to hear back about any of my past characters as well.

I listed the characters that I thought were relevant, though its not my entire list. I'll have to look my list over again and update this later on.
Just thought I'd put it out there that I wouldn't mind hearing some feedback from the community. I'm looking to better myself as a Roleplayer and try to branch out and reach others, so anything you have to say (within reason) should be helpful!

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