Poll: What character do you like the best?
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3 50.00%
2 33.33%
1 16.67%
Total 6 vote(s) 100%
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Pick on Pay!
Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen of CotH, my name is Paylonas. I'm pretty new to CotH as of the time I post this (Joined 1/10/2014), but I do plan on staying and continuing to RP with this awesome community. Now that I've gotten the introductions out of the way, let us get down to business.

I do appreciate negative feedback as it can help me become a better player and RPer overall, however there is a fine line between constructive criticism and just being a jerk, if you don't like me or have some beef with me for some reason just let me know why. I'll be sure to reflect upon it and try and see from your point of view, mind you that I am my own person and I won't cater to every single persons needs. I will however to my best to tailor myself into someone who everyone enjoys RPing with.

With that said, leave any feedback you deem necessary. Here are my current characters, and I will update it as characters are approved.

[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
I like your Roleplay. Despite the fact you failed Noillin when commandeering a canon alongside Willie. A SIMPLE task my boy... Anyways, I like Nooken, a good character and likely to be a well known character by the Regiment. You take things to a fairly decent level, meaning you don't always try to rush into the fray going "FOR DEATH AND GLORY" so and so, which is good.

Keep up the good development for Nooken, he may do well for Dawnhammer one day ^^
Noillin Dawnhammer [Alive] - "We ride ta' battle together, not alone..."

'Gray' [Alive] - "I will not let my sacrifices go in vain... Never..."

Dragor Bloodfury [Alive] - "The cries of our comrades will not go unheard!"
Maulbane sits in a dark corner of the thread.
22:59:03 [Maulbane]: [Low] It'd be a shame if my peon didn't receive enough compliments.
Please, for everty compliment I dont get hes making me do 10000 pushups.
[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]
You're a bro, bro. That said, I like how you've got unique characters!
Perhaps it is your imperfection that which grants you free will, that allows you to persevere against cosmically calculated odds. You prevailed where the Titans' own perfect creations have failed.

- Algalon, The Observer


(I really like you by far! Despite being here in a short time, you've really involved yourself in the community and have been really engaging in RP. I like Nooken by far, and I really hope to see him more. Jinks is entertaining, and I generally find her very endearing. I have yet to encounter Nina!

I sure hope you do stick around long enough to be a mainstay in the server c: )
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
It's great to see someone that plays a gnome or goblin that isn't the stereotypical "LOOKIT ME AREN'T I CRAZY" archtype, that actually has depth and personality.

I don't want to punt you.

It's pretty nice to not want to punt you.

Hopefully I can do my part and interact with your characters more, because you've actually made a race I often find repelling actually charming.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


You're pretty open OOCly and that takes guts, being new. I hope you continue to enjoy your stay. In lieu of useful, IC feedback I leave you with this. I call it the Pay-pirate badge!

[Image: Paypirate.png]
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
I've only played extensively with Nooken and I like the guy, he fits my idea of ideal gnome to a T. :D I definitively need to see him in a travel RP in the future, I can bet that would be fun with all his gadgets and cra--- I mean, creative ideas! I also liked Nina, and her "ass is fine" policy (that was still the best typo I heard in months, sorry :P). In all seriousness though, I think you're unto something good here, but I still need to RP more with her to form an opinion.
Well it's been a while since I've knocked the dust off of this thread - Almost a month, sheesh I need to be more active; with that being said I'm actually pretty inactive lately, but would like to inform you of a new polling option - Camen, my newest approved character.

[Image: 8Mh5ajm.jpg]

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