Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Beyond Tusks and Cannibalism [Troll RP Guide]
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I'll post this in the forum and type in when I have the time. For now, It's downloadable here.

It's done by a troll named Ryleen of the Scarshield Legion server. I guess it isn't bad to post guides of others as long as we know who made it. I'll edit this topic soon so that it is readable on the forums. Just thought it would be beneficial to the server with us trying to roleplay as trolls.
Nothing new in there for me, but still a great guide! I recommend all troll roleplayers to take a look.
This guide has been really helpful, I've been thinking of making a troll for RP for a while, but wanted to know more about them before i made one.
Well, just don't make them too kind. They're trolls, as you may know. :)
In General like it but the part about fitting "troll classes" with game classes just seems all wrong to me;
- A mage should be a hexxer.
- A shaman should be wither witch doctor or actual orc edition shaman. Shaman also has the best fit on Shadow Hunter if you want to reach that point.
- A priest in my oppinion fits beeing simply a priest, though that in term are different from any other priests in the game.
- Hunter, Warrior and Rogue are often a question of preferences since they can all fit as headhunters, scalpers and so on.
Shadow Hunters are really more Priests + Hunters. They wield the shadow and have excellent hunter skills. Though, in this context, all trolls from the age of six should have excellent hunter skills.