Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Patch 3.2.2 - Negative!
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As a reminder, patch 3.2.2 came out today. If you still play both Retail and here, be sure that you are using two separate WoW folders if you wish to continue playing both.

If you somehow accidentally patched up, please follow the guides to patch back down in the Technical Support forum.
Just as a note, whenever I get some free time, I'll be testing 3.2.2 compatibility on the server. So, be prepared! This may happen within the next few days.
Oh! Thanks for the reminder. I was about to patch up.
What is the current patch number? I'm new here. :-)
13light Wrote:What is the current patch number? I'm new here. :-)

Oh super, thanks. :)
I patched up, Do you guys know when or if you are going to update the server?

Thanks =]
The last update wasn't all too long ago, so it might take some time till it will happen again. However, you could copy your WoW directory to another place, and do the downgrade on it and then patch it up to 2.0.2a.

EDIT: Sorry, what I meant to say was 3.2.0a.
Hey guys, i'm new here to, though i play retail. However, i have a question...: It keeps saying (when i try to login) invalid gameversion or something. and i know i got the wrong patch installed and i know you're at patch 3.2 atm, and i deleted 3.2.2 or whatever it whas but it keeps saying the same thing..invalid game version! and i can't find your guides you mentioned so could anyone please link 'em? Thanks.
We're currently on 3.2a, be sure to download that annoying little useless patch as well. is one of the guides - it's a bit dated so obviously replace the patches mentioned with current patches where applicable.
Hi all,

I got a little problem and was hoping some one could help me!

I play retail and was new to this server and updated before making a seperate file.

If i wanted to remove my patchs to 3.0 and go up it would take me hours!!!!!!!!

Is there a way to just down grand my second wow folder 1 patch?