Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Krorogs Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
I'm an experienced and dedicated Roleplayer who loves serious and intense roleplay more than anything, and I sincerely disgust it when people ((OOC)) In any public IC chats like Say and Yell.

I disgust it because it feels like a knife slicing through the theatrical illusion, however I don't start flaming them, instead I ask them not to OOC in public chats nicely, and most of the time they understand and learn from it.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I come from Norway, which makes my primary language "Norwegian" however I failed that language at school because I would rather speak English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
How did I get into Warcraft, hmm..
That is a quite long time ago, but basically I was playing Diablo when I was looking for more games made by Blizzard, and so I found Warcraft 2 and started playing it every now-and-then..

At that time I was pretty young, and so I didn't like it so much for some reason - but then after a while I started playing World of Warcraft and I guess it was done!
I involved myself with the Lore, played through Warcraft 3 and I guess that's about it.

Sidenote: I starting playing World of Warcraft Retail four weeks after it's official release, and my first server was Argent Dawn(RP), where I played till now.

What made you seek our server over others?:
For one it seems like this server has alot of restrictions and rules which of course not only filters away the not-so experienced roleplayers, but also promotes the roleplay significiantly.

Which is an obvious enough reason to me.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I enjoy many kinds of roleplay, but I especially enjoy planning strategic attacks as a General if my character has that authority.

I also enjoy more civilized roleplay though, but that could be anything from a Bardwarf( ;) ) to a hardworking peon(as long as I have someone to play with, chopping down trees, emoting by yourself can get pointless at boring at times)

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

I have had many favorites, so I don't know anymore - However I enjoy playing a Dwarf anything, or an Orc ..Anything.

I like playing Dwarves because there I can take use of my great Dwarven accent ability, which I of course do without any sort of AddOns.
Also I guess I just find them generally entertaining to play.

Orcs are my favorite race when it comes to Roleplay at the moment.. Why? I do not know for sure.
This recently became my favorite race, probably because there are so many interesting lore characters from the Orcs that I have become fond of.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect the server to have a high Roleplaying level, an active GM crew along with active and many daily players.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
This is honestly a hard one for me because I like all of your Rules, and I think the most important ones would be: Respect, Roleplaying, Maturity and Keyboard skills.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago there was a Peon from the dry lands of Durotar who always wished to join the Horde legions.
But his superiors always told him he was too lazy, for he was often caught sleeping during work-hours.

Sadly the poor Orc couldn't help it, he had a hard time staying focused on chopping wood when all he could do was daydreaming about the day where he would be leading a team of Orgrimmar Raiders.

One day however while the peon was resting after a tough working session a fellow orc ran up to him and hit him with a stick telling him to wake up and that the captain wanted to see him by the barracks.
He jumped up and ran towards the barracks hopefully.

The captain was already seated on his wolf when he saw the Peon running desperately towards him.
"You must be Krorog", The Captain grunted as soon the peon was in range.
The peon who was exhausted after the long sprint coughed and replied.
"Captain! You wanted to see me?! I am so sorry, I have had little to e..-"
"Get on the Wolf, peon! We are leaving!" The captain interrupted with his every so rumbling and intimidating voice.
The peon had no choice but to follow the captains order, and so he climbed ontop of the wolfs back as they ran off towards the gates of Orgrimmar.

This may not seem like a story, but here's the case.. The very same "Peon".. The very same Krorag recently returned a week ago along with a group of scouts.
And guess who was wearing a Grunts tabard..
You guessed it! Our Krorog! The lazy peon from Durotar who suddenly was dragged away to join the raiders.

He has brought hope to the lot of us who wishes to join the Horde legions ourselves, he's our.. Hero

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
(This can be anything. Questions/Comments are always welcome.)
Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!

Wewt. Enjoy your time RPing here ^^ Also, don't forget to /join chat.