Conquest of the Horde

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i was just wondering why so many people chose to be horde on the server? Is it just personal preference or more?
Personal preference of the Administrative Overlord.

Feel free to roll Alliances though ^^
Seriously, we need more Nelfs damnit!
We're rolling some! Join the Starsong Unit!
I was planning on joining the Starsong Unit, but I also want to join the Emerald Hand! I can't choice! *sadfeac*
Starsong Unit. I'm sorry to say that the Emerald Hand is inactive. It used to be active when I recruited, but then I had holiday and the guild went all... Lolwtfbbqsauce. I could get another recruiting spree, but Marr has no reason to.
duracell09 Wrote:i was just wondering why so many people chose to be horde on the server? Is it just personal preference or more?

Just a personal preference really. But it varies within the days. Sometimes there's just more Horde on than Alliance or vice versa.
Actually, we don't have enough Horde. Some days we get a surge of Horde players, but usually on the weekdays it's mostly Alliance and it's really hard to get Horde-side RP.
Rubykuby Wrote:I'm sorry to say that the Emerald Hand is inactive.

Hay, hay, I'm working on it! We has a storyline! QQ And with the new policies, activity beats inactivity, huzzah!

Anyways. Really, as everybody else said, it's just personal preference.
Sweet does anybody know what i should chose as my second charactor i have a human warlock.
Any race/class you think you'd enjoy playing. Do what -you- want, not what you see everyone else doing. <nod>
well I will do what i want just wondered what other people are into i probably will go with a gnome mage or something just wanted opinions.
Grakor456 Wrote:Actually, we don't have enough Horde. Some days we get a surge of Horde players, but usually on the weekdays it's mostly Alliance and it's really hard to get Horde-side RP.
I must wonder if any of you other fellows actually play on this server? :P

Anecdotal as it may be, my experience as a solely Horde player on COTH has seen most days for around two months completely dominated by ten to fifteen alliance players, with perhaps two or three True Hordies. There was a surge of new characters when the Arathi war began, but under normal rhythms the Horde was almost dead. If there actually is a renaissance of our favourite Orcs/Tauren/Trolls, I say about time! :D
It has always felt to me that there were a bit more Alliance than Horde on the server at most times, though the imbalance has never seemed too dramatic. After all of the Sin'Sholai business, I can't say it surprises me that the "real" Horde are even harder to find now than ever before. Still, it's only realistic. According to WoWwiki, the Alliance is supposedly more than twice as large as the Horde!
You could always request that people could switch over for a while and come to RP with you. Or, of course, you could roll an alt and go where the activeness is most present.
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