Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: That Perma-banned N00b...
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Is this thing on? Oh, ahem. This is Grakor, and I'm coming in Live from GM headquarters for an important announcement!

We finally decided to lift the ban on Cressy. We feel she's learned her lesson and that we may not have to worry about her in the future. I'll be keeping a close eye on her to make sure that she doesn--what the!?


Uhm...I'm sorry, we're having technical difficu--


FFFFFFFF- Oh no! She's in the GM Machine! Someone stop her! AAAAAAARRRRGH!

HAHAHA! And I just whispered her to not bother a GM.

You Go Girl! >:+)
PANIC! The end is nigh! Quick, it's Y2K all over again! Get to the bomb shelters!
I swear, I knew it.
Everyone grab a Parachutte! Oh no! She ate them! We're all doomed!

*Heimdall jumps into a trash can* We're all dead!

Gratz Cressy LOL .
D'aw! Cressy-kins is a GM!
'bout dern time! LOL

Oops I did it again.
Welcome to the dark side of the mo- Server!

I'm sure you'll fit in nicely. :D
Haha, good god.

Noob GM.

EDIT: GM Machine... *plots*
Grakor! When will you learn not to leave the keys in the GM machine?!?! Evil


Congrats, Cressy! :D
Clips on his hard-hat and puts in a bullet proof vest, boots, and gloves. He slips a cigar into his mouth and lights it with a stainless steel zippo, "Let's do this..."
I wish I had a GM machine.

'Grats, Cressy. You deserve it.
What in the name of Odin...

Everyone to the bunker! Before it's too late!

(On a side note: Congratulations Cressy!)
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