Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The end of cross-faction /say? (Updated! Happy! Rejoice!)
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Yes. It is very possible that cross-faction communication in /say and /yell will no longer be possible, if we wish to keep the ability to speak in other languages that are normal for our race. Therefore, if at any time you're in an OOC area (or even IC, in a neutral location and would like the opposing faction to read what you say (for instance, speaking Common)), please speak in /emotes.

You can either do a pseudo-RP, such as /em says, "lol hai thar guyz" when in an OOC area, or you can even shorten it to something like /em "Hello folks!"

Bear in mind, while IC and using /emote to communicate, please actually type it out, like /em says, "Lok'Tar, brothers! May your axe-arms be strong!" once again.

Hope that all made sense!

Edit: I have fixed teh interwebz! :D It's actually better than before, with no issues with Forsaken or death knights. Rejoice!
This isn't good. This is bad.

D: I mean... C'mon. But anyway, it isn't any of our faults, so I don't have anyone to BEAAAT DOOOWN

Seriously though, is there any possibility this problem can be resolved/fixed with new versions of ArcEmu or new patches?

Until then I'll keep in mind to use emotes. I shouldn't be complaining considering most RP servers still get "MrblueDraenei makes some strange gestures"
We used to do that all the time before? When I joined the server everyone had to use /emotes when dealing with other faction at least that's what I remember.
Will there be a chance for this feature to work again?
I dunno much about the staff and if there is a development team that has the magic thingies to make it happen. :s
See first post edit. Glee ^_^
I love you.
Kaghuros Wrote:I love you.


*runs off sobbing*
Grakor456 Wrote:
Kaghuros Wrote:I love you.


*runs off sobbing*
You've always got me, Grakor!

And I'm fairly sure that several female players would now want to carry Kretol's babies, for he has proven himself the Alpha-male yet again!

You serious? We've got a universal language for all doods now?!

Rock on!
At first I was like :shock:

But then I was like :D

EDIT: Also, this is my post no. 50 <:
Durp ^^
Hear that Sol?

You ain't never again gettin' the satisfaction of screamin' ya lungs out at me for not speaking Orcish.
Aruk Wrote:Hear that Sol?

You ain't never again gettin' the satisfaction of screamin' ya lungs out at me for not speaking Orcish.

Oh. Dayum. D:

I mean, uh, yay! :D Nice going, Kret!
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