Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Can't "get in" to the server
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So, something weird seems to be happening to me today. I have this sinking suspicion it's because I'm not doing something right, but I can't figure out what that'd be, either.

I did, in fact, log into the server not long ago. It disconnected me from a character, and then I tried to log back in with another. The program froze, and then finally crashed.

Now, whenever I try to log in, it prompts me to select a server. I pick CotH (naturally, :)) and then it informs me that it's logging me into the server... Connecting... Connected...

<insert long wait here>

And then it prompts me to choose a server again. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing to cause this to happen? o_O I'd really enjoy knowing how to get around this.

Many thanks in advance ,
The login server thing is down - probably be back up soon...
Ah. Thanks for the update. Seems to have just righted itself in time for this whole thing to be a bit moot. XD Still, I'm glad to have the information so that I can know what's happening next time.

Edit: Edited because I didn't see davemwow's reply before I posted mine. :P