Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Amphana's Introduction
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This is our introduction template. That way you, the player, can tell us more about yourself, your roleplaying style, and show off your best work! Remember that you can make your answers as long as you want them to; in fact, the longer and more in-depth your answers are, the greater likelihood of sticking around. Good luck, and we hope to see you within our server! Please copy and paste the questions below, and integrate them into your introduction thread. Thank you!

First and foremost: Well, I got World of Warcraft in 2007, played retail, and I really don't like the game itself. I find it highly addicting, but I never liked it. I actually, hated it, but couldn't stop playing it. This is when I tried a RP retail server, found people who RP'd, and had the time of my life in the Night Elf starting area - seriously. I discovered that Roleplaying adds SO MUCH more depth to the game and makes it much more enjoyable, and as long as more than you and someone else are on, anything can happen, and you will almost ALWAYS enjoy yourself.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I was born in the United States and currently live in Germany as my Dad is deployed over here as he is in the US military. I don't speak much German, though. English is my primary language, but I do speak some German and a TINY bit of French.

How did you get into Warcraft?: I walked into Best Buy in 2007 getting a computer, and these real nerdy guys convinced me to buy it, but they were really nice people. In real life, I'm kinda average and I don't really hang out with people like that, but they were very cool and I was eager to try WoW. I'm glad I did, and I'm glad they convinced me to buy it.

What made you seek our server over others?:

A friend told me about it, and just by reading the rules, I KNOW this is the right server for me. A mature environment of people who can actually type, know what they're talking about and how to run a website and WoW server.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Hmm, this is really actually dependant on my mood. I usually enjoy anything from sitting down in a chair discussing lore to going on a dangerous adventure. Really, whatever works for everybody else, and what mood I'm in. I generally like a more relaxed playstyle that turns into some sort of dispute. IC disputes over dumb things are very fun for me, IDK why. I remember on an old RPing server, we all RP'd in Theramore, and I would always go in the mage tower with my character (being a human rogue) that my character knew was strictly off limits and try to discuss things with the mages, ask if he could stay, screw with them, etc. Not to the point where I was bothing them OOC, but to the point where it created an interesting situation IC.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

I have to say, my all time favorite is a Human Rogue. A year ago I would've talked so much crap to myself for RPing a Human in a fantasy MMO, but Human Rogues have SO MUCH potential. I really can't explain it beyond that.

Recently, I've attained a liking to Blood Elf Mages and Human Death Knights, though, specifically Human DK's.

What are your expectations of this server?:
A mature environment that is really cool with most things, as mistakes happen, and a environment of people who can RP, help me improve my writing and RP style, and active people.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

I like the following rule because immature RP'ers don't realize the parts in bold, and the rule in general.

Here's something to think about. When you read a book, you're reading a story about one or two or more characters, usually. These characters are the central focus of the story, and though they may meet other characters, typically the main characters remain the focus of the story. This is a pleasant and useful device in fiction and storytelling, but it doesn't work in real life, and it becomes a bit clumsy when applied to World of Warcraft. Each of our characters are central to their own stories... and everyone else's character is central to theirs. Nobody else loves your character as much as you do. When coming up with a story for your character, remember this. Other people may not get involved. Other people may not care. Other people may not comply. Part of being a mature player is recognizing when your character isn't supposed to be the center of attention. Sometimes other players' characters need to shine, and it is your honor and privilege to stand aside and give them room in the spotlight. Heck, play along. Find a way to fit into THEIR story now and then.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Walking was all Orphanix could do, walk, walk walk. Walking helped him think of solutions much quicker then sitting and drowning in his sorrow or remorse, or so it seemed to him. The sounds of the screams creeping up the black abyss seemed to be happening all again. "Why didn't I save them?" The thought echoed through the Rogue's mind until it drove him mad.

He could see the tusked beasts, slaughtering all he knew, loved, and cared. This shook Orphanix' mind to the point of insanity, until he forced himself to walk, just like that, walk.

What else could be done? What's done is done. I made a mistake. It's human nature.

He could see them slitting their throats, hear their screams for help. Nothing could save them, or so they thought. Surely if the young Rogue they met years ago and had spent more than 2 years with would save them if it was within his power. Surely he would not watch the brutal Trolls butcher them like fattened swine, for nothing more then intertainment.

Surely he would not run away and desert them, hoping the same not to be his fate; Running away in fear for what else dwelled in the deep cave known to so many of the local settlers as the center of Hell.

The thoughts were eating away at him now. Turning in direction, the young rogue headed directly for the cave he was running away from. Nobody butchered his friends.

Nobody scares him.

He wouldn't let anything create even the most subtle amount of fear in him. Drawing his serrated daggers, dipped in lethal poison, he quickly sprinted past trees, shrubs, and the like, until he arrived at the cave where all he cared for was destroyed.

"I'm going to kill you!..."


Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

I'd just like to say that I honestly don't know more than slightly above basic knowledge WoW lore. I'm not really an expert on every race and the like, but I know alot about everything in general.
Welcome to CotH!

You'll fit in fine here, as I started half a year ago with only retail WoW knowledge (And while I managed to pick up a hell of a lot during my 3 years on PvE and RP servers, it was still nowhere near what's acceptable on CotH at that point). Nice intro there, well spaced out, it's the kind we used to get before introduction approval was scrapped.

Feel free to throw me a PM if you have a question, or any other grunt. And don't forget to /join chat to talk to all of us when you get ingame!