Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An exciting introduction for all of 'em people to see!
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

Oh. Well eeh.. I havn't actually been playing World of Warcraft for that long. (since I find the combat a nusiance, and I usually avoid non-instant level 80 servers with malls n' whatnot. :3) I started out with games like Neverwinter Nights, Warcraft 3, Red Alert 2 and Unreal Tournament. Seeing as I am barely fifteen years old now, I havn't been back in 'em good ol' days where the Nintendo gaming console was all there was to it, and bla-bla-bla-gaming-veteran-speech. I usually prefer shooters such as Counter-Strike: Source over MMORPGs since the turn-based combat never really had me going. (Which is why I only play this game for the Roleplaying) HOWEVER, if a promising roleplaying server has this kind of system, I will be glad to endure the levelling and enjoy the roleplaying, as much as I hope you all will enjoy roleplaying with me. ^_^

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:

I'm from Denmark, my main language therefore being Danish. However, Unreal Tournament and Neverwinter Nights were quick to teach me english, and the likes.

How did you get into Warcraft?:

My brother sent me a copy to my birthsday a bit of time after I had started on Red Alert 2, and I must say that it was a spleasent surprise. Since then I've gone into World of Warcraft, played for a few years on retail before turning my eyes to the private servers. I then got dragged into roleplay by a friend because I thought I would like that kind of thing, and true, I enjoyed it. I have then been in numerous servers and guilds and decided that it wouldn't hurt to try this one out. :b

What made you seek our server over others?:

Well, this introduction system sounds promising, seeing as it would stop lol'ers and godmodders. It seems good all in all, if not a tad merciless to those who does not make it through, eh. :3 *Pokes his belly and giggles*

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:

I am pretty much open for everything, should it be social RP, the village stuff, ze grand battles of doom n' whatnot.. I mean, it's all good, if done right, eh?

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

On the previous server I was one, I roleplayed as a Faceless One, (I requested a morph through forums) and that is probably the best I've been at to this date. It was entertaining experience, to roleplay as a telepathic being (if not a bit troubling seeing as one would need to limit one's pwoers to the point where it would no longer be considered godmodding!) but I am sure that the ones who roleplayed along with me can agree to that I did not 'overuse' my powers as such.. Hopefully. ;P Other than that, I like to roll alot of different characters, and put on unique personalities for each and everyone of them.

What are your expectations of this server?:

They are high, so high that I infact have to question my own ability to roleplay because to be quite frank and say it out loud: I pissed my pants when I saw the other introductions. The way others express themselves in their introductions is amazing, and I am at times afraid that I cannot qualify and get into the server with my way of 'doing my thing'. But I'll try the best I can.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

What appeals to me the most? Do you mean, which of them I am happiest about havin' around with me? If that is the case, I would say the rules regarding godmodders. There is nothing, with a huge, damned emphasis on NOTHING, that can tear my mind about and send me to the nearest sanitarium for a psychic repair, like a godmodder. I have met several In Character, and every time it ended with me raging and just shredding my guitar's strings to metallic marshmellows. I cannot express how it just makes me feel.. So dead inside. I pity the people who have to roll a blood elven deathknight, and act like some character from an abstract anime that for some reason posesses the powers of an ancient God from hell. However, now we're drifting a little off topic I am afraid.. Eeh. Anyways! Next question-thing!

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

(( This is where I usually leg it and run in the opposite direction, bear with me. ))

The noise of humans, elves and dwarves arguing outside slowly silenced. Once again, it would seem that they had departed in anger and returned to their duty. Koo-thoo-loo sighed to himself, and looked down his arms. Few of them could tell the difference between him, and any other draenei who would pass their home from time to time, and he enjoyed the mystique that surrounded him. He closed his eyes and focused with his inner eye, sensing the stream of thoughts that would flow to him from the minds of those who were still up on the surface, whilst Koo-thoo-loo sat in his basement, awaiting the wounded that would come to him. As he sat there, he quietly chanted to Yogg-saron, and focused on the tasks that would soon await him. The more they waited, the stronger the Lich King would grow in the North, and Koo-thoo-loo had urged the people to realise that a union between the horde and the alliance must be made, so they could defeat this enemy united, standing as one. Sadly, he had only met few who agreed with him, and he was now trying to recruit more to his cause.

''Ku..?'' A voice called out.
Koo-thoo-loo opened his eyes, as Shanari entered the small, underground room. She was a young nightelf, whom was often followed around by a nightelven child called Ela. A cold breeze came into the room from the open door, before it closed with a loud slam.
''Yes, Shanari? What can I do for you?''
She sat down on the floor near the fire, along with her pet nightsaber. The grand cat calmly lied down beside her, quietly purring as she stroke the back of its head.
''It's just that.. Are you sure it is safe to let a troll walk amongst us? Everyone seems quite edgy with him around this place.''
Koo-thoo-loo raised his eyebrow at Shanari, and scratched his chin.
''He is here for a reason, Shanari, and whatever personal grudges you have against him must be buried for the time being. I know that you would rather see him dead than anything else, and I promise you that he will suffer in time, but at the moment he is needed. Do you understand..?''
She quietly nodded, and left the room, showing no further emotions. Koo-thoo-loo looked at her as she went, and somewhat regret what he had said after seeing her reaction. The troll had a long time ago caused death to Ela, the child which Shanari held so close. But the very same troll was the one to give a chunk of his own life to save the child, and he had given up his life to fight for our cause.

Koo-thoo-loo walked up the stairs to the doorway, and looked out at the small encampment. In due time, it would fall to the Scourge, and if the Horde and Alliance did not fight against this threat as a united force, all of Azeroth would see Death.
Oh yeah, not to forget

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

Yep. I made the text pink because it's a manly color. Not that I'd be gay in any way.. You know.. Uuuh.
Welcome to CotH
I.. Got approved..? o:
Actually, you didn't. XD

But don't worry, good person, for we don't approve or deny introductions any more!

If you need help with anything, I'm sure anyone here could help you! Feel free to PM anyone in-game if you need help!

/Join chat and /Join Barrenschat for communication as well, of course. (Barrenschat being significantly more random that Chat. In chat we just, well, have small conversation. In Barrenschat we have massive joke-fests and stupidity all around! Much fun is had!)

Oh, also:

Have fun and WELCOME TO COTH!
Well dear Esthru-something, please give me the name of ya most active character so I can pewpew you, and have helps!
Heh, I've been on Bartimaeus most often lately. /nod
I smell Warlock. Anyways, add my msn <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]][email protected]</a><!-- e -->, that way we'll have an easier way of getting to know each other. ^^ As for anyone else who reads this post, add my msn if you're up for Roleplaying. I'll be glad to get to know ya'll!
Heyo! I'm Anski, and we've already met in game and it's wonderful to find a Lovecraft fan!

Any questions you have I can answer to the best of my ability, etc etc, things I already told you in game, but most of all

Welcome to the server!
Mike!!!!!! It's dannyhero, known to you as Huriel from our brief time together on WoWTrance, so glad you finally got your ass over here! I'm looking forward to RPing with you, without lolers, RP hunters, fail vampire RP and all the other terrible things we suffered through back on WowTrance, know it's a bit late, but I didn't find you till now!
Welcome to CotH Manly Being

dannyhero Wrote:,,,,,, RP hunters, fail vampire RP .......
:shock: :shock:
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I will be looking forward to stealin' ya vouche- I mean, provide somethin' to the RP 'round here, eh? And Shane, I tell ya, Vampire RP and RP hunters combined.. Well.. Let's just say I am relieved to come on the first day, have a bit o' RP and find these splendid friends man, it's excelleeeeent!