Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Introducing... Deathkeeper!
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First and foremost:
Tell us about yourself, as a player:
I enjoy playing video games that are role playing games, massive multiplayer online role playing game, first person shooter, strategy.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I come from the United States of America and I mainly speak English a little Spanish. I live in Colorado it is very cold out side most of the time so we have a good excuse to stay inside to play video games.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I got into Warcaraft by my older brother he bought Warcraft 3 and the expansion set on the opening day at first I was used to watching my dad play first person shooter games like Quake 2 but when I started watching my brother I wanted to try to play so I watched him beat the campaign to decide if I wanted it. Then I worked for the game and saved up and bought it for my self. I first liked doing all kinds of games like Angel arena then my brother introduced me to another wonderful thing role playing on Warcraft 3 and I have been into role playing ever sense.

What made you seek our server over others?:
I had been trying to role play on one of the role play servers on World of Warcraft and I just couldn't find the real thing because every one was always abbreviating things and always being out of character. Then my brother heard of your server and introduced me to it and showed me around in his character and I found out this is what I was looking for.

What kinds of role play do you enjoy?:
I have always enjoyed more of a mid-evil kind of fantasy role play and I also enjoy almost every other kind of role play. I can very much adapt to what kind of role play the game gives me.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
My favorite race is probably a Orc or Human because Orcs have always caught my interest by how much sheer brute force they have but humans have intrigued me to. As for a class i would say a Orc hunter, and a Human Warrior because they both have a good mix of skills for me.

What are your expectations of this server?:
A very good role play server that has no abbreviation's or people who are goofing off and that's about it.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Always have people try to be a god character so my rule is godmoding because everyone wants to be the son of Arthas or Illidan but that doesn't mean that that is lore correct so no one will be acting as a god.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
As the fiery sun blazed, birds sang their cheery songs. Nicholas walked through the scorched remains of the town. He smelled that dead smell, the kind you only smell when this sort of thing happens. The ashes crunched under his feet as he treaded forward. He saw several over turned carts, no bodies in sight.
"Is anybody out there?" Nicholas shouted questioningly.
It would seem not, he concluded. He moved onwards, to a nearby local store.
He moved cautiously into the store. As he searched for survivors he found a broken porcelain doll. As he hefted it in his hand he could see it was not broken long ago. The scourge that did this would be near. There is a lot of work to do...
Welcome to the server!

Remember to /join chat when you're logged in, and if any evil, sneaky questions, ask almost anybody ;).
Welcome to Conquest of the Horde! :D