Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cosmetic Costumes
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This may have been brought up before, but I couldn't find it. What I was thinking was have a few NPCs lying around that sell purely cosmetic versions of well known and well loved armor, e.g. cosmetic versions of raid sets, dungeon sets and PvP sets. Have them function the same way clothing does, no durability, ultimately useless but still bringing accent to a look. Let's face it, while the rules state that 'you shouldn't write up a character if they absolutely NEED a certain armor to be roleplayed' they never said anything about not being able to roleplay a certain class, and look damn stylish while you're running around town.

This has some serious potential for lampshade hanging, but at the same time it can simply be subverted by saying something along the lines of 'it's ceremonial,' 'the armor's impractical, in all honesty,' 'it doesn't fit quite right. Wearing it in combat would be a liability.'

What do you guys think?
The only issue I see from this is the fact the GM's would have to copy all the tiers and such and edit them...

In comparison to just getting gruntship and tokening these suits? Eh, It's a good idea, but probably too much of a hassle.

But I may be wrong.
You only have to be here for a month until you can get Gruntship and actually get the Dungeon/Tier armor from vendors for yourself. It's not a very long wait to spare the GMs some work editing all those items.
That, and it is sort of like a present for sticking with it and working hard. /sagenod

A present you have to pay for, but a present none-the-less. :D
Well, pay for in a manner of speaking- you're given enough gold and tokens to fill your inventroy with shiny stuff twice over once your character's approved.
I think it's a very good idea Caediath. But instead of tiers sets why not things like Mojo Mender mask from Zul'Aman or the 'Recoloured' tier sets from 70 heroics or even stuff like Mask of Lethal Intent?
I don't think it's really worth it considering once you get to be a grunt you have enough resources to get whatever clothing you wish. Also, the tier sets are generally not very good for an RP perspective. Raid gear tends to start looking kind of silly as it progresses, and most of the stuff that is actually used are completely random any level items from all over the place. It would be too much effort to find all the really cool ones. My advice is find the shirt vendor area in WSG if you haven't got your tokens yet. It lets you pull off a suprisingly stylish look and is generally what I do when my characters are level 1-2 when I RP before they are approved.
I don't really have any intentions on mass-producing copies of items with no restrictions, for reasons already mentioned earlier in this thread by others.
