Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Strayer's Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
To begin, I am a very easy guy to talk to and RP with. I am no where near elitist and even if your character isn't "unique" by my standards I wont put you down for it and I will still RP with you because I believe anyone can RP if they try. I personally like to write stories and create well balanced histories for all of my characters. When I used to play retail WoW I was declared by a good majority of the other RP folk of my server that I was the most creative RPer and one of the best on the server which I denied because I know anyone can be the best as long as they try.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I am from the west coast of the United States and I only speak english.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
My brother started to play the WoW beta and I watched him with interest because I have always been interested in myths and magic. When he brought home the official copy of WoW I was midway of writing the plot of my book Pearls of Wisdom where I based my first character (Tarnasis) off of when I first started to RP.

What made you seek our server over others?:
I like the way you guys think, I have always wanted a full RP server and of course Blizzard never satisfied.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
What appeals to me most is tavern RP and travel RP. If there is someone on this server who likes to play the role of a mercenary then please contact! =)

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
My favorite race and class to RP with is a blood elf hunter because the class and race alone has great potential of being a good RP character.

What are your expectations of this server?:
That people are on the same page most of the time, that no one judges you mainly based off your character, this has happened to me and I will tell you the story. I was RPing with my character Tarnasis on the RP realm of Kirin Tor and some female character was trying to split up a fight between me and another and I turned to then and said ICly, "Shut up." and from then on when I would try to post anything in general, IC or OOC and that person was around, they would harass me.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Respect because if you do not respect your fellow play at anytime it will give you a bad rep and influence people to not RP with you, plus if you do not respect other players, I find that very immature.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

I sat there in the corner of the tavern, my hood balancing over my eyes and the candle light illuminating the lower half of my face. I pushed my hand forward toward the tin cup before me. It was cold by the cross breeze of the stain glass windows behind me and the open door to the tavern. I felt a shiver crawl down my spine and smelled the stench of an undead creature.
The tavern remained still, I was alone, it was after hours, around one in the morning. I am the tavern's keeper, just a lone man trying to find his place in the world and when I'm in this damned town I stay my post for a few pieces of silver every hour just to watch out for the worgen who try to inhabit this small town at night. My pseudonym is Strayer because I stray from the public eye most of the time and stick to my own business. My real name is not important, it keeps my business more private.
I tilted my head back enough for the lower rim of my eyes to be seen, just to glance around the inn, nothing. I sipped the tin cup's liquids and twitched as it dripped down my throat, it was even more cold than the winter's breeze that keep crawling up my body and into my face.
That is when I saw it, a worgen. The vicious creature stared me down from the entrance of the tavern. It's teeth were yellow, stained with fresh blood. Cloth wrapped around it's forearms and it's eyes beamed red with blood lust. I kept my person as calm as I could, I knew these beasts could sense fear and tension. It began to step toward me, my red silk hooded cloak floated from the air underneath me. My eyes glowed and my muscles began to contract, I was ready.
It stepped back and howled before it charged, my instincts were quick and precise. I took upon the aspect of the cheetah, my eyes became more clear in the darkened room and my nails grew an inch. The worgen jumped into the air in attempt to slam me down into the hardwood flooring of the tavern. My perception was key and I dove out of the way. My short blade hung in my right sheath, my pistol in my left. I had a one handed blade crossed on my back with my rifle. My bullets clacked together from my quick movements as I reached down for my clockwork pistol I like to call Jericho. My arm rose with it, the silver lining of the black metal pistol reflected the moonlight from the window it came through. I cocked the hammer and my aim was steady, I had not hit the ground yet, it was as if I was able to see the situation in slow motion due to my abilities. I pulled the trigger.
The beast moaned and fell to the floor, it's blood running from the hole I had just placed in the back of it's skull. I returned my aspect back to that of the monkey again, the aspect I prefer to begin with and placed my pistol back in it's holster. I reached into my right pocket and brought a death stick to my lips. The candle went out from the breeze. I flicked my wrist as a small flame emitted from my specially designed glove Echo, goblin technology is lovely. My face was illuminated in full, my light gray hair fell over the sides of my face, my lips were chapped and my facial features stayed neutral. The dead lantern that hung in the entrance of the inn swung back and forth, the object squeaked with each sway. I lit the death stick and flicked my wrist again, the flame was gone and everything around me fell into the lonely and damp silence of the winter night again.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
No thank you =)