Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Wes' Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player: This is a difficult question for me simply because I am unaware of how others might describe me as a player. However, my own perception of how I see myself as a player of WoW would involve ridiculously spontaneous and on occasion quite random for the sheer joy of it.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?: I'm from the United States, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania if you want to narrow down the stereotyping impression-o-meter. My primary language without a doubt is American. I'm sort of disappointed to read the no vulgarity rule as it subconsciously runs in my veins and often exits my mouth but if it is enforced even on my slang I am more than willing to prepare to tone it down to zero.

How did you get into Warcraft?: Well for me I picked up the original game in early 2005 for kicks and fell in love with the vast size of this world you could do anything in. I eventually keep drifting away from it and return for each expansion to see if I can get back into it without growing tired with the boring grind of leveling, whilst all along I just want to enjoy the game by socializing and role-playing in various manners.

What made you seek our server over others?: Well I stumbled upon it just this evening, well actually this morning now, while looking to get back into the game with a quality server and I seem to have found it. I have played a plethora of servers and I end up hating everyone of them due to overwhelming numbers of fellow players who are in it to break up role-play or generally harass players. Oh! I could understand the threads when I was reading them, so that's a plus!

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?: Like I may have already hinted, I sometimes enjoy a bit of shenanigans. However even the jester has to maintain a serious attitude at times, perhaps partake in a battle, or maybe even break into a farm house and steal your beans and cornbread.... it could happen.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?: No matter how hard I tried to sample all the classes and get a feel for each one I can't stop drifting back to my priest. Human priest is always what I end up with, however at the request of others or to complete a more even blend to a certain group I am willing to play other characters. But you can't deny the raw emotion of a religiously fanatical priest on the edge.

What are your expectations of this server?: I must admit they're pretty high. I haven't run across a server yet that screens the entry into the server and I think it's a spectacular idea. Getting to know the people you let on your server seems like a good way to prevent some of the downsides to an open door policy.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?: Ah. Another difficult question for me. I must say I'm not very fond of rules and regulations but In this case there are no rules that affect me on a personal level and are quite reasonable so I respect them and that led me to which appeals to me the most. Respect is something that is very important to me, in such that it is earned. After spending a little time on this site I felt that its community had earned a little of my respect as I thought it was a well organized and quality establishment that I would enjoy socializing in.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!: STORY TIME!?!?!?!?!?! Well I'll be dipped in a vat of boiling hot ramen noodles. You also might want to grab your "blankie" I hear those are quite useful during story time.
This particular tale took place in the vast Azeroth, on the borders of Westfall! I recall a time of my travels as a young priest heading west on a post summer's eve. After attempting numerous times to hide in a tree and catapult on to an unsuspecting bear, each time unsuccessfully, it was time to devise a new plan to bribe someone for honey. Taking a break from the ingenious physical activity I began relaxing with my feet in the river casting a watchful gaze onto Duskwood. With my uncontrollable urge to purge spiders I was desperately hoping I wouldn't see one, mainly because they don't have any honey. The other reason being their evil nature coupled with their selfish need to rid our shelters of structural damaging insects. To my dismay however, a monstrous spider came scuttling down the opposite bank and I had to leap into action to save the world. Without warning, a masked bandit came leaping out of the woods to join into the fray. He raised a knife to throw in my general direction just as the spider dramatically timed his assault and pinned to bandit to the ground. In the face of poisonous fangs the bandit cried out for assistance as he struggled to hold the persistent jabs of the stingers away. As a man of the cloth I could not let this situation go unresolved. In a flash I dove into the river and quickly made my way to the other side. Covertly timed and with excellent precision I rolled into an epic power-slide that involved a quick pick-pocket to snag the bandit's jar of honey. Then I fled with the spoils...
The End.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?: Just one thing, how heavily are the vulgarity rules enforced? Like I suggested earlier it wouldn't be a surprise if I randomly tossed a curse or slang in during a naturally flowing scenario. I will work to eliminate it if it results in immediate removal, I was just hoping for some small leniency. Thank you very much for your time If you have decided to read this and I hope I am fit to play with everyone here, and I would not be offended if the application is denied.
Wes Wrote:Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?: Just one thing, how heavily are the vulgarity rules enforced? Like I suggested earlier it wouldn't be a surprise if I randomly tossed a curse or slang in during a naturally flowing scenario. I will work to eliminate it if it results in immediate removal, I was just hoping for some small leniency. Thank you very much for your time If you have decided to read this and I hope I am fit to play with everyone here, and I would not be offended if the application is denied.
An excellent question. Keep it tasteful, infrequent, and strictly in-character and it's quite acceptable. As will all other RP, make sure it makes sense in context - that's what's most important.

Keep in mind that there are younger people playing on this server, but a certain level of maturity is expected of all players, regardless of age. Use your judgment, and if someone happens to ask you to clean up your language, do so. That said, it shouldn't be an issue.

Disclaimer: I am not a GM, and my interpretation of the "no vulgarity" rule is based on personal experience of several months on this server. While what I say is true in my experience, it is in no way official server policy.

That said, Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!