Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A short guide to all who use a gun.
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You know when you're playing a first person shooter, and you zoom in a bit, how there's that "cross-hair"? The small circle with four lines going inward to help you aim? For those of you who like to add a tad of realism into your experience, I have devised a way to make it so when you use an [Ornate Spyglass] to zoom in, a small aiming circle pops up.

Required materials:

An engineer to create the Ornate Spyglass. My internet is really slow right now, but I'll edit later to add a link.

Mats for Ornate spyglass.

To download the addon Power Auras. A great way to track what buffs you might have on, or not. When a proc comes up etc. When you're in a pve/pvp event, this is very helpful. Not to mention the key part for this guide.

Download said addon, and then type in /powa A window will come up, look to the bottom right, and click -IMPORT-. From there copy this...

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0.12941176470588; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_TownWatch; size:nu0.75999999046326; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu-1; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu2; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu43; buffname:stLongsight; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu39; alpha:nu0.75000005960464; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

... Into the window that pops up into small window by using -CONTROL V-. Just copy as you normally would. Right clicking etc.

Congrats! Now, when ever you use your Ornate Spyglass, Power Auras will recognize the buff, and the cross hair will pop up!
You know when you're playing a first person shooter, and you zoom in a bit, how there's that "cross-hair"? The small circle with four lines going inward to help you aim? For those of you who like to add a tad of realism into your experience, I have devised a way to make it so when you use an [Ornate Spyglass] to zoom in, a small aiming circle pops up.

Required materials:

An engineer to create the Ornate Spyglass. My internet is really slow right now, but I'll edit later to add a link.

Mats for Ornate spyglass.

To download the addon Power Auras. A great way to track what buffs you might have on, or not. When a proc comes up etc. When you're in a pve/pvp event, this is very helpful. Not to mention the key part for this guide.

Download said addon, and then type in /powa A window will come up, look to the bottom right, and click -IMPORT-. From there copy this...

gcd:bofalse; soundfile:st; owntex:bofalse; b:nu0; anim1:nu1; duration:nu0; g:nu0.12941176470588; thresholdinvert:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; opt2:nu0; speed:nu1; stance:nu10; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_TownWatch; size:nu0.75999999046326; torsion:nu1; multiids:st; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; mine:bofalse; optunitn:bofalse; x:nu-1; inverse:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; isdebuff:bofalse; customname:st; textaura:bofalse; target:bofalse; combat:nu2; wowtex:botrue; groupany:bofalse; customsound:st; timerduration:nu0; exact:bofalse; threshold:nu50; unitn:stOnly for raid/group.; bufftype:nu1; party:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; stacks:nu0; isenchant:bofalse; focus:bofalse; customtex:bofalse; raid:bofalse; isdebufftype:bofalse; texture:nu43; buffname:stLongsight; anim2:nu0; opt1:nu0; r:nu1; randomcolor:bofalse; y:nu39; alpha:nu0.75000005960464; aurastext:st; timer:bofalse; texmode:nu1; symetrie:nu0; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; sound:nu0; isinraid:bofalse; finish:nu1

... Into the window that pops up into small window by using -CONTROL V-. Just copy as you normally would. Right clicking etc.

Congrats! Now, when ever you use your Ornate Spyglass, Power Auras will recognize the buff, and the cross hair will pop up!