Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Hoods in WSG?
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Heh, hello again, I was just wondering if it was possible to make a vendor in Warsong Gulch that sold all the colourfull hoods? Because I've been stalking the Auction House for a week trying to find, Abjurer's Hood, and just couldn't get it, I'm thinking of tokening it..but the reason I'm suggesting a vendor that sells hoods is because maybe a couple of people out there would like a nice hood to wear now and then but can't because it's leather and they can't or just can't seem to find it on the Auction House?

Again, thank you for your time and sorry for keep bugging the GMs.
Heh, hello again, I was just wondering if it was possible to make a vendor in Warsong Gulch that sold all the colourfull hoods? Because I've been stalking the Auction House for a week trying to find, Abjurer's Hood, and just couldn't get it, I'm thinking of tokening it..but the reason I'm suggesting a vendor that sells hoods is because maybe a couple of people out there would like a nice hood to wear now and then but can't because it's leather and they can't or just can't seem to find it on the Auction House?

Again, thank you for your time and sorry for keep bugging the GMs.
I agree! :3
Agreed as well
My name is Jason and I approve this message.

We all need a good hood to hide our blue, death knight eyes keep our ears warm.
I agree with this one
[Image: scriptApproved.jpg]
I agree. Hoods for IC usage would be a welcome addition to the RP-clothing vendors.

I think some cloak vendors would make a nice cherry-on-top to the mall. :>
Hood's and capes seem to be the only items missing. I too have stalked the AH to no avail. If it isn't too much trouble I hope the idea is considered.
Allow me to find the names and IDs of the hoods to make it easier. Be right back!

[item]Cobrascale Hood[/item] - An outlandish, green mask.
[itemico]29504[/itemico] - A dark blue with light blue trimmings. Tasty.
[itemico]9940[/itemico] - Good old, plain blue.
[itemico]4323[/itemico] - It's purple!
[itemico]33231[/itemico] - Light Blu.
[itemico]24633[/itemico] - Light greeeen.

That should help. I think.
I would love a hood vendor. Would it be that hard to put in?
Well, it could very well be. Most of those items are of a high level, so Kret has to tinker and create new items with the display IDs of the hoods, and make it level 1 only, then add them to the vendors.

A lot to ask, but hopefully it can happen.
Added versions of the hoods Maulbane linked (to Zijad, of course).
You are the wind beneath my wiiiiiings
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