Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Server Restart
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Hey guys. I don't really know what is going on with this server wipe thing.
Like I don't mind if it does get restarted, it sucks but what can you do.
My main concern is that I have a pending character profile, now if the GM's
do decide to reset the server will I have to re-do the profile? Or if I get my gruntship
before the restart will I be granted a new lvl 80 toon with more tokens and money?
Quote: will I be granted a new lvl 80 toon with more tokens and money?

rofl, I donno why dude, reading your post just made me laugh.
We don't even know if we're going to have a restart, to be quite honest, and if we do you probably will be able to keep the character in some way.
Ok thank you for answering my question