Conquest of the Horde

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Hey, I just want to know if there is any positive or negative feedback on any of my characters.

Here's the list:

Rosie (Deceased, Approved), Dolsun (Approved), Kylor (Approved), Gustavo, Bart, Ladrim, Bairlesen, Colihn (Deleted), Daven (Deleted), Mushuk (Deceased) and Vi.

There may be more if I remember one or two that I have missed.
Well, as great as my memory is, I can only remember RPing with Rosellia. Your use of grammar and punctuation are great, and you always make your characters believable. (Well, Rosellia at least. :P)

Pies' Score: 9/10

(Took 1 point because I've only seen RP on the one character. D:)
You forget the one I forgot because I have forgotten her name... You know her, the one Jithe knew before Rosie.

Edit: Her name is Margaret, I roleplayed with you on her before Rosie.