Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: New Forum Rule: Thread Derailing
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Under normal circumstances, I'm fairly relaxed when it comes to random silliness on the forums. While I like to keep a relaxed atmosphere in the forums whenever possible, unfortunately sometimes jokes and randomness can go too far and end up derailing an otherwise serious thread or end up with silliness that really detracts from the thread as a whole.

For this reason, Kretol and I have added a new forum rule. Please keep the "Barrens Chat level" of silliness muted on the main forums. This includes things like "The Game" and the like, which have the potential to end up taking threads over. You can keep such silliness over on the Off-Topic board, which will sort of be the "Barrens Chat" of the forums.

If you have any questions, please post below.
Just coming in to note that the forum has been this way for a long time already, as far as I can remember. The rule was simply an unspoken courtesy among players and we kept our conversations game-related as long as they were in the general forums.