I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I just haven't known what to post in the OP. So, I'm going to make it short.
What do you think of my IC and OOC behavior? My characters? What could I improve upon?
My main characters are Tarania, Therai, Iskula and Siara. I also possess the characters Aenyris and Laryn, but I don't play them as much anymore.
Barlton here! You're cool.
And, that will be all! ktnxbai.
scout here
i could still use feedback from anyone who wants to give it
(Read: Shameless bump.)
EDIT: As long as I'm making a new post, I'd like to request that feedback be constructive, whether criticism or support. However, if that's too much to stomach, then a simple comment saying "lol ur guyz r kewl" or "u suxxor" could work too. Preferably not the second one.
I've been intrigued by what you have written about your characters and wanted to RP with them, especially Therai. But never seem to catch you online.
Scout, you don't need feedback. You should already know you're awesome. <3
Therai's one of the most credible examples of a 'Dark Night Elf' I've seen, and I'm rather intolerant of the concept. Not enough RP to elaborate on other aspects, though.
The RP with Tarania off of Telih a long while back during a ghost-whispering scenario as well as a small tavern scene with my Former-druid Nelven DK are both scenes that stayed in my mind even after all this time. Tarania manages to at the same time be completely Nelven, have avenues of RP open, display her personality and allow those around her to also exhibit their personality, be a unique character without being distasteful at all - graceful, even.
Really looking forward to RPing with her off of Tel again in Kagh's Nelven storyline.
Ahh. I remember the Uncanny Valley days. T'was when I first caught a glimpse of Therai, methinks. And I must say, what I saw was amazing. You make her dark...ish...ness so natural that it's ridiculous. While I, like DaveM, do not really -like- deviations from the norm like that, your character is -definitely- an exception. You portray it very well!
And you're an awesome person to talk to. <3
TL;DR: /commend
Once again, I'd like to extend the request that I get feedback on my characters, and upon myself in general, OOC and IC. In case it needs clarification, my current active characters are Tarania, Therai, Ylvandre and Siara.
Therai... She scares me. Emotionless Night Elf Shadow Awesomesauce woman. I do enjoy her character, even though we RP'ed so little. Redis will always <3 her for showing him the ropes.
You know what it is I'm looking for.
Namely, I'd like some feedback on how I am OOC, more than IC. I haven't received much in that regard, and I'd really like to know.
OOC pushy, mean
ICly, your elf scares me
Goodbye *slams door* Although you are smarter then most OOCly. And I do want to see more of you ICly.
I enjoy what little RP we've had quite well. On OOC feedback--be online more! >

Also, it sucks when I want to RP and you're not in the mood, but I can't really hold that against you or anything--but you did ask for constructive feedback, so...doing what I can.
I enjoy our discussions OOCly and the...well, one or two we've had ICly. Looking forward to more of them. I heart you and stuff. <3
Hrm. I can honestly say that i've yet to have a bad experience with you, IC or OOC. OOC, you're intelligent and insightful. IC, you play your characters well. No complaints.
I don't recall -ever- roleplaying with you.
I need to change that one of these days. Though I doubt it will ever happen.
Rawr, people of CotH!
I'd like some feedback on my characters, whom you should know by now. Additionally, any feedback on my work as a Forum Helper (or generally just my OOC behavior) would be greatly appreciated!