Conquest of the Horde

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RP is all about improvision. Your character and you must always be prepared for anything that could happen. Take, for example, your character is sitting in a bar and enjoying a drink. Then, out of nowhere, a barfight breaks out! Does your character... Run? Join in? Hide? Ignore it? Food for thought!

I, for one, do exercises to think deep of my character's psyche. If you feel your RP is lacking, you can try them as well. One of my favorite exercises is writing down a series of events and then imagining and recording your character's reaction. For example, if my character Tarius- a Deathknight- went to be executed for some terrible crime, he'd stay silent to the crowd and try to mentally justify what he did. However, on the other end of the spectrum, my Mage Zimmasul would cry and beg for his life in a panic. If my Rogue Ilario was asked about his past, he'd give a brief lie and try to change the subject. However, if my Hunter Bass was asked, you'd get a long, story-like spiel about what he remembers. Those are just a few examples. How would your character react to...

-Someone romantically interested in them?
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
-Having a child?
-Friends/family killed?
-Being outsmarted?
-Being told a bland joke?
-Stepping on a nail?
-Eating something disgusting?
-Buying a slave?

Those are just a few ideas that really, some expect will never happen to them. Some may sound silly or pointless, but everyone reacts differently. Doesn't hurt to think of how your characters will. Personally, I believe the stranger and weirder the situations you put your characters in, the better. You really get a chance to think on them, that way. The better you understand your characters. The better you understand your characters, the better RP you will get out of them.

Please feel free to post situations and reactions down below, as well as critique, comments, or anything. My next guild will be of keeping IC and OOC seperate!

If you're looking for more questions, don't forget that CotH has a questionnaire as well. Keep writing, Monny. >:V
I will do one of these, just to show how easy they are :3 The character will be... Kuweshi, my strange Troll Shaman.

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Shun them and giggle when their heart breaks.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Find a new one, probably messed it up on purpose.
-Having a child?
Unbridled apathy, leave child with mother and run away.
-Friends/family killed?
Rage, pursuing he who did it with lightning crackling on his fingers.
-Being outsmarted?
Going quiet, mumbling in Troll about how he'll eat the outsmarter's eyes.
-Being told a bland joke?
Stare creepily at the teller for a few moments then giggling high-pitched.
-Stepping on a nail?
Wail in pain, then tear it out of his foot and sit on his arse for a long while, rubbing his foot.
-Eating something disgusting?
Spitting it out and insulting the chef as loud as he can.
-Buying a slave?
Force it to do menial and stupid tasks.
Haha bravo! This looks like a lot of fun!

I'll do my Human Warlock Itarius, seeing as he'd likely have the most interesting responses to these. It's also because Monolith accused me of being a wannabe after his Tarius - so I want to prove to him that Itarius a genuine character - with feelings! :'(

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Manipulate the unfortunate damsel and either groom her as a confidant, or otherwise use her to strike against the Church, the King, or the Mages of Stormwind.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Bide his time until he can lash out against his superior.
-Having a child?
Groom the child with his own moral compass, and ultimately manipulate the child as well to his own orchestrations.
-Friends/family killed?
See if he can lobby for as much of the inheritance as possible.
-Being outsmarted?
Deny it, claiming it was all apart of his master plan.
-Being told a bland joke?
Laugh anyway; maybe the fool will feel a sense of false security or otherwise indebtedness towards him.
-Stepping on a nail?
Gain pity from those observing.
-Eating something disgusting?
Attempt to down it. See bland joke.
-Buying a slave?
Use it to go places he can't. Otherwise manipulate it.

EDIT - Filled in a number of ones I left blank
I'm fleshing out a new character that I'm trying to get together... I'll start out by trying this, and see what I can do...

Wendel, I choose you!

-Someone romantically interested in them?

See if the lass could rival him in a drinking contest. Anyone who can't hold their own just wouldn't do.

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Head over to an inn and get a few under the table before either sleeping or trying to pick a fight. (depending on severity of the firing)

-Having a child?
Drop in every few months to check in if it was a one night sort of thing. Raise it as long as his relationship lasts if he's with someone.

-Friends/family killed?
Drink as much as dwarvenly possible before hunting them down in a violent rage of alcohol and fists...

-Being outsmarted?
Not much. It's happened plenty of times before.

-Being told a bland joke?
There's no such thing.

-Stepping on a nail?
Pour some alcohol onto the cut after (and prior to) a long string of profanity.

-Eating something disgusting?
Wash it down with a nice brew, and then depending on how drunk, either walk out of the establishment, yell at the staff, or beat the chef.

-Buying a slave?
Force it to learn how to juggle.
Looks like fun! I'm going to do one for my character Sebatien Yursell,

-Someone romantically interested in them?
If they just told him out of the blue, he'd probably stand still in shock and begin to sway left and right, claiming that he is dizzy

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
He would flick his boss in the head and walk away.

-Having a child?
He'd start to look for a book which teaches him how to raise a child and make a mental list of what not to do.

-Friends/family killed?
He doesn't exactly care much about his Father at the current moment, if a really good friend of his died he would probably smash his mechanical hand in anger and maybe break something too.

-Being outsmarted?
He would probably stare at the person for a while then ask him 'Have you ever fell on your own screwdriver before.' and then, if they look confused, he'd asked, 'Let me rephrase that, have you ever fell on a screwdriver you stole from a certain insane engineer?'

-Being told a bland joke?
He would flick a screw at them.

-Stepping on a nail?
He would most likely not notice for about ten second and then he'd attempt to pull it out and maybe lose feeling in his legs for a while.

-Eating something disgusting?
He'd spit it out and ask the person who gave it to him, 'What was that?!'

-Buying a slave?
If he was to actually buy one he'd probably make it wear a stupid costume and follow him around, not doing much else.
Character name?


Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked?
Moves with a hesitant, slow gait most of the time. His posture is straight, as he tends to consciously keep it that way.

Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?
Physically, he is in, not very modestly, impeccable condition. Strong upper body muscles, and his legs are used to heavy activity.

How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
So far his wounds have not managed to do anything crippling to him, and disease hasn't affected the moocow

Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?
A slow mover, but a mover. Does not run, tends to walk or do more rigorous activities like climbing/menial labor

Is he clumsy? Awkward? Graceful?
A mixture between agile, calm and hesitant.

Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?
He tends to alternate between the three, it depends on the situation. Most of the time he is hesitant.


What are their favorite articles of clothing?
Leather, leather and more leather. The less he can get away with, the less he has obstructing his movement and the less weight. Mostly tribal-looking equipment.

Are their clothes new or old? Homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive?
Most are homemade, and on top of that most are very old, kept together by rare patches of hide from odd creatures.

Do his clothes fit well?
Very well!

Is he comfortable in what he wears or does he “fight” his clothes?
Over the years his leather clothing has become like a second skin. He ignores it for the most part.

Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character?
Well, he is a Hunter but they don't really have a true uniform. But he does wear hunter-like leathers...


Does he speak in a high or low-pitched voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?
A low pitched, slightly drawling voice. He rarely has a high voice, maybe once a year, when in high distress. Lower, when he whispers.

Is he a loud or soft-talker?
If he talks, it's usually soft, too used to sneaking around to want to shout all the time.

Is there a wide range in the voice in pitch, volume, and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?
The voice is fairly bland, staying at the same kind of tone.

Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation, emphasis, phrasing?
No accent to speak of, save for a normal Tauren one/

Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble, is he distinct?
Though he speaks slowly and thoughtfully, it is clear.


Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?
Maulbane has extremely quick wits. He can detect and respond to a threat or problem within second/s of it becoming apparent

Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?
Maulbane has high moral standards, but most of his decisions come from thinking. A lot of thinking.

Emotions and Personality

Is he an extrovert, an introvert?
Maulbane tends to be an inwards person. He doesn't feel the need to be very social with other Humanoids, and tends to be quiet unless talked to.

Does he like people?
Maulbane tolerates people.

Does he have many friends? Any close friends?
Maulbane has many friends in the animal world, and few select friends who aren't, who have spilled blood alongside him and warranted his loyalty.

Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?
Without question, cool-headed.

Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show?
He tends to have a narrow amount of emotions. He doesn't get angry, it's hard to see him surprised, so most of the time he's either solemn, blue or cheerful. Cheerful not being as frequent as the others.

Would you say he is basically sensitive or callused?
Despite his introversion, Maulbane is sensitive to what happens around him. Seeing countless deaths by his hand hasn't turned him into an evil killing machine, and one can see him sighing and mourning others' losses occasionally.

Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naïve about new people or situations?
Maulbane is generally cautious. He will give people the benefit of the doubt, but his axe is always on his back. And it takes less time to unsheathe it than it looks like it does.

In a danger or emergency situation, would he go to it or run away from it?
It depends. He may be hesitant, keeping at the edge, preserving his own life out of instinct and yet trying to aid as best he can.

Is the character basically nervous or calm?
As has been detailed before, he is a very calm Tauren.

Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion on tricks or jokes played on other people?
Maulbane? Joke? He finds practical jokes slightly irksome, and ones played on others' expense will have him ready to berate.

Under what conditions could he be harmful or cruel to another person?
...He would not be cruel, and if he were it would be under extremely trying conditions, such as Goretusk's death, and only for a second before he stops himself. He wouldn't.

Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area?
He isn't a very loving person, and it takes a while for him to warm to people, having an extremely tough exterior outside and inside.

Is he capable of relating to others in a loving way? Is a capable of relating to one person in a romantic way?
Not really. Maybe on some level, but he would always be fairly detached unless they lived the same kind of nomadic, sporadic and solitary life as he. And thinking about it, how could two solitary people warm up to each-other before they had to move on? It's possible.

Wealth, Power, and Influence

Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others?
Contrary to popular opinion, Maulbane is fairly rich, have in excess of at least a few thousand gold pieces. He keeps a lot of gold on his Kodo, in one of the sacks. He knows it won't get stolen.

Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?
He is both and none at the same time. He can give and withhold depending on the situation and what he feels, but he has had random moments of generosity. He once gave one of his only remaining Devilsaur Scales to a Human he barely knew.

Does the character rate high on the pecking order with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?
Without assuming too much, he would probably be one of the more powerful Tauren Hunters, and definitely talked about at least a bit.

Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?
No. He has no silver tongue, and the concept of manipulation and charm seem to evade him.

To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?
He is subservient to no-one, one of the things he values most is his personal freedom.


What does this character do when he is bored?
He either hunts, or thinks. He is a deep thinker.

What does he do when he's excited or nervous?
He tends to think, as before, but more fast-paced. What could happen, how to prepare for what could happen, what he should be doing now. He can seem visibly nervous when he is inside, even as he doesn't like to betray his emotions.

What things does he really like to do?
Being a Hunter, it's a no-brainer that he enjoys Hunting. However, it's a very spiritual thing for him.

What things does he really hate to do?
Talk. Especially with people he doesn't know. He also hates to take life without reason, with the exception of Undead, Demons or Blood Elves, the big three idols of his ire.

What are his leisure activities? Pastimes? Recreations?

Does he play games? What kind?
He doesn't really play games. He did when he was a child, but even things like cards are trivial to him nowadays.

Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?
Very important. He holds the ability to have a steady supply of food and water in extremely high regard, and as such he doesn't LOVE to eat, per se, but he will enjoy making sure his kill doesn't go to waste.

Favorite Things

That's a hard one. He'd probably like Brown the most.

He does enjoy different flavors, and what flavor is different than Warp Stalker Flesh? Too bad he's probably never going to be able to eat it again...

Maulbane dislikes alcohol, surprisingly. He's a large fan of pure, normal water, though. Call him a lightweight if you dare.

That's a hard one. He probably loves the smell of the undergrowth of jungles and rainforests, Stranglethorn, Un'Goro and Feralas are amazing places in terms of smell for him.

Time of day?
The break of day.

Season of year?
Probably spring, although that is cliche to an extent. The budding of life every spring manages to give him hope for Azeroth, despite its numerous threats, every year.

Maulbane doesn't read, at all. The only language he can read fluently is Taurahe, and they're not well known for writing books.

Places to visit?
Stranglethorn, Feralas, Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, Arathi Highlands and Un'goro. Despite their treacherous landscapes, they are beauty unparalleled to him.

Metals: gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc?
If he must pick a metal, good old steel and iron. He doesn't have any other metal on his person, save the bits he would inevitably carry inside his gun, bullets, et cetera.

Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc?
Definitely good old leather, but if he had to pick a more solid material, then clay or mud, and at most wood. Those materials "Breathe" the most for Maulcow, and are the most natural for him.

Fabrics: silk, wool, linen, etc?
He has no eye for creature comforts, and he has adjusted to more coarse leather to adorn his person. He does use some linen in various places, like his tent, rugs and other bits and bobs. He of course uses some other fabrics where needed, but they are only used where needed.

Pieces of furniture?
None whatsoever, except in his house in Thunder Bluff. And that's mostly trophies. He sleeps on the ground.

Oh dear. Well, he has Goretusk, the huge armored, hoggish battle-boar Goretusk, with who he has spent more time with than any other creature or living being on the whole of Azeroth, excepting his Pack Kodo Gladestomp, whom he tamed at 55 and still holds an extremely tight bond with. I would need paragraphs to explain this section properly, so I'll leave it at that.

He has feathers adorning his body, and he is a fan of hunting trophies. He has an Ancient's finger as a mailbox back at his static home.

He has a fear of Goretusk sustaining injuries, and not exactly a fear, but he is always cautious of an ambush from somewhere when he is on the road. He has a fear of places such as Outland, where EVERYTHING is grossly different, but it's more a hesitancy. He's seen too much around the road to have a "Squeal" type of phobia, but there are things that give him the heeby-jeebies.

What things frighten him?
To a low extent, Demons and Undead. They defy the laws of existence the Tauren have in set, and so they are outlandish and terrifying for their race pretty much. Maulbane has killed many, but they still creep him out.

Is he motivated by fear?
Fear of death? Yes. Like almost any sentient being, he is motivated by the threat of death or serious injury.

To what extent is he motivated: never, occasionally, usually, constantly?
If this is a continuation of the previous question, constantly. If not, usually.

What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?
Goretusk's death, Gladestomp's Death, and then his own death. There are many more things that trail after that, but those three he fears the most.

What would he think were the three most wonderful things were to happen to him?
He never stops to think about things like that. If he had to choose... Goretusk outliving him, as well as Gladestomp, and Blood Elves being able to see things from his point of view.

Honestly, he loves his pets too much.

-Someone romantically interested in them?
His face would go O.o. It's something he's not prepared for. No, really.

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
He would shrug and move on, thanking his boss (Bossss?) for the time he allowed him to work, and assume that the supervisor/boss knew best.

-Having a child?
Something he is prepared for even less. He would probably have a nervous fit. He doesn't know how to be a daddy.

-Friends/family killed?
Replace friends with pets, and suddenly you have a whole new ball game. Let's just say, a lot of things will be up in the air. Possibly buildings.

-Being outsmarted?
Depends on the severity. But Maulbane will probably just laugh it off, he isn't perfect.

-Being told a bland joke?
Maulbane will probably laugh along just to be friendly.

-Stepping on a nail?
He'll grit his teeth for a moment, then bend down and expertly rip it out of his hoof. Then a quick once-over to make sure it isn't infected.

-Eating something disgusting?
If it was something he killed, he would finish it out of respect as long as it wasn't completely inedible. In that case, he would distribute it around the area to decompose, and serve the circle of life in another way.

-Buying a slave?
He would free it.
Well, I guess I'll choose my main character Vrandiel!

-Someone romantically interested in them?
She would probably blush and think about how it would work out. If the other person is beautiful, chances are she'll end up in a relationship with them.

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
She wouldn't care top much. She only takes job now and then to support her traveling. She would wonder what she did wrong, though. But she wouldn't have the guts to ask her former boss.

-Having a child?
She would probably freeze in the same position for minutes maybe even hours and just keept thinking "I'm a mommy, I'm a mommy, I'm a mommy." Until she finally realizes it ans says "oh. . ." She would take care of this child as a loving mother is supposed to do.

-Friends/family killed?
Her father and mother were killed during the scourge and she didn't do much than to grieve. She didn't know them that well, though. If her sister died it would be worse and she would probably try to find her killer. She is very careful though. And if she found that this kilelr is more than she could handle, she wouldn't risk it.

-Being outsmarted?
She would probably blush of shame and look away and mutter something in Thalassian.

-Being told a bland joke?
Probably be like "errrr. . ." and then look away. Maybe try to change the subject.

-Stepping on a nail?
Express her pain in a very loud "OW!" And then depending on how many people are around, she would either just pull it out and rest for a while or start crying to get attention.

-Eating something disgusting?
Wait for the first oppurtunity to spit it out discreetly and say something like "delicious."

-Buying a slave?
Probably feel bad for it and set it free. At least if it's pretty. If it isn't? Well, she probably wouldn't buy it in the first place.
Hmm, I think I'm going to do myself then compare it to my characters.
-Someone romantically interested in them?
Probably fall in love with them like a failtard. If they're my type. Cute, not that aggressive. ;p
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Probably get pissy, but I'd understand if the reason was valid.
-Having a child?
I'm 15. I'd kill myself before I'd think of having a child.
-Friends/family killed?
Probably shake it off. I don't cry.
-Being outsmarted?
Not likely, not trying to brag, but pretty much everyone over here is about dumb and only cares about social standing, rather than education. I come from a high IQ family. ;P I lack common sense, though.

If I was outsmarted, I'd respect who it was, congratulate them, and be on my way.
-Being told a bland joke?
Laugh to avoid awkwardness.
-Stepping on a nail?
Blow up my cheeks, close my eyes, and avoid making a scene, then nurse my wound. And b***h and moan about the pain.
-Eating something disgusting?
Spit it out. Unless it would be disrespectful, I'd stomach it best I could.
-Buying a slave?
I would never. But if I did, I'd become friends with it, just another buddy. xP

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Try to stay focused on what's important, but won't be able to think about anything other than the person who likes him.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Be pretty respectful about it and follow the orders, unless he finds it unreasonable. Then you can expect hell in the form of logic.
-Having a child?
Wouldn't be too happy at all. Especially after just getting Cogspinner Inc. running.
-Friends/family killed?
Bottle up emotions, as always.
-Being outsmarted?
Again, not likely, but he would probably be very respectful.
-Being told a bland joke?
Try to steer away from the conversation, but laugh at the joke.
-Stepping on a nail?
Widen eyes and let out a little shrill.
-Eating something disgusting?
Probably throw up.
-Buying a slave?
Train the slave in the arts of Engineering, and make the slave his apprentice.
I love how almost all of these have occurred to Kaghuros at one point, heh. That makes me realize how long I've played him, and how much I need him to retire.

-Someone romantically interested in them?
He'd beat around the bush for a while, then try to take her on a courtship hunt.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Honor is of the utmost importance. If someone believed he was not fit for something, he'd lose face and fall into a dark, restless mood.
-Having a child?
This is what he wants most IC, really. If he ever had a child I'd probably retire him completely and declare adventuring complete. If he has a child, he'll stop fighting and settle down on his family pig-farm to raise a new Horde champion. I guess I could break him out for some mentoring RP, but otherwise he's not willing to throw away the chance to see his son/daughter be a hero. He doesn't want to be his father.
-Friends/family killed?
Too many people have died for him to do more than grieve in private. He's stone cold when it comes to death, except for his. He finds it hard to face his own mortality most times, and the little bit of that which bleeds through on the passing of another brings him sadness.
-Being outsmarted?
He'd try to find a way to get back at the person who outsmarted him, unless they were his enemy, in which case he'd fly into a rage and try to kill them.
-Being told a bland joke?
"Hmm... Were you trying to be funny?"
-Stepping on a nail?
He'd yell Human curse-words, and then tear the thing out and bandage himself up.
-Eating something disgusting?
He will eat almost anything. If he ate something awful tasting he'd probably man up and take it, or vomit if that didn't work.
-Buying a slave?
Slavery is perfectly okay to an Orc like him. He's gone through two in the time I've been around, and treats them pretty decently.
-Someone romantically interested in them?
Grunt. Scratch his head for a moment. Grunt again.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Grunt. Hurt something.
-Having a child?
Spontaneously combust waaaaaaaaa
-Friends/family killed?
Grunt, then hurt something, most preferably their killer.
-Being outsmarted?
-Being told a bland joke?
-Stepping on a nail?
Pause, slowly look down at his foot, then lift said foot to get a look at it. Grunt. Move on. Hurt something.
-Eating something disgusting?
-Buying a slave?
Hurt something. Guess what.

... *ahem* Maybe Jared isn't the best for this quiz.

Miles might be better.

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Weigh up, cautiously but quickly, whether or not he could get used to them and whether a relationship would work, then swoop in for the kill (or not). Most likely, he'd approach them in the most self-absorbed, cocky and flirtatious manner possible and, if it somehow manages to work, will enter the relationship half-heartedly and probably end up using them for his own gratification and little else. Nice guy, that Miles. If it was somebody he knew rather well as a friend, though, he might actually stop and think long and hard about it, then take things slowly.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Go out, get drunk and whine about it to whoever he can.
-Having a child?
He'd probably have a much-needed reality check and settle down to look after it. That, or leave it to his lonely mother in Old Town.
-Friends/family killed?
Mourn them quietly, dwell for a while, but grapple with the loss rather well and adapt. Life goes on, after all. If confronted with their killer, he may be inclined to spontaneous rage.
-Being outsmarted?
Get mildly annoyed, possibly try and justify himself or belittle the person in question, then move on, presumably ignoring the guy/gal in the future - though he may come up with some elaborate scheme to return the favour if he can.
-Being told a bland joke?
Force a laugh, nod, try and discern whether the poor quality of the joke is reflective of the joker's intelligence, then move on.
-Stepping on a nail?
"FFFFUUUUUUUU" Hop on one foot, make a big deal of it, shout, swear and probably cry, then tenuously try and remove it before lavishing the wound with bandages and not walking for several days.
-Eating something disgusting?
Make exaggerated vomiting noises and motions if he doesn't vomit outright and repeatedly express his disgust to anyone in earshot.
-Buying a slave?
Take a deep breath, pause, then consider what he'd do with the slave for a long while before he actually does anything. Having somebody to do things for him wouldn't enter his routine too well, but he could get used to it pretty quickly. He'd treat them fairly well, too.
Forsaken Rogue

- Someone romantically interested in them?

+ Use obvious distraction. Pounce. Devour flesh.

- Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?

+ Say something nonsensical. Maybe sob uncontrollably. Obediently follow orders.

- Having a child?

+ Mental breakdown.

- Friends/family killed?

+ Cannibalism of their corpse. Attempt to continue living life. Mourn sporadically when inconvenient.

- Being outsmarted?

+ Become confused. Flail wildly.

- Being told a bland joke?

+ Stare vacantly.

- Stepping on a nail?

+ Attempt to walk on one foot for some time. Fail inevitably. Forget.

- Eating something disgusting?

+ Enjoy thoroughly.

- Buying a slave?

+ Break its sanity.

Forsaken Apothecary

- Someone romantically interested in them?

+ Attempt to understand why. Enjoy company. Awkwardly attempt to show affection with gifts. Alienate involuntarily.

- Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?

+ Obey quietly. Consider leaving organization.

- Having a child?

+ Hopelessly attempt to understand how.

- Friends/family killed?

+ Abruptly stop to stare vacantly at bodies/messenger.

- Being outsmarted?

+ Stares spitefully at the cunning jerk.

- Being told a bland joke?

+ Stare mindlessly.

- Stepping on a nail?

+ Attempt to remove nail and continue what was to be doing.

- Eating something disgusting?

+ Stop eating, dispose of offending meal.

- Buying a slave?

+ Learn sign language with it, use as voice puppet.
Lily Thayne

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Lily'd first check to see if they were the same race, it not she'd tell them to bite it. She'd try to get along sufficiently with the one who's infatuated with her and try to feel the same for the other. If that doesn't work, she'll just bear with it. Eventually when she trusts them enough she'll share her secrets of the Shadow with them, they'll either submit or die.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Resort to alcohol as a first. When that fails to cure her problems, she'll try to earn some coin to support her meager living.
-Having a child?
She'll consider dumping them at first but eventually she'll grow to love and nourish her child. She'll teach the child all of her dark religion.
-Friends/family killed?
Mourn their loss the moment the news is spread the forget about them. If it were to be someone very close to her, she'll keep mourning them, possibly trying to get them back from the dead and seeking revenge on the perpetrator.
-Being outsmarted?
Leave a sneering comment and possibly outsmart them.
-Being told a bland joke?
Reply with a bland joke to see if they truly like bad humour.
-Stepping on a nail?
Get a initial kick out of it. She'll turn to tend to the wound soon enough. No one wants to die of tetanus.
-Eating something disgusting?
Act indifferent to the food. Hey, it's atleast something else than bread and the occassional piece of fruit/meat.
-Buying a slave?
Try to gain the trust of the slave by either trying to get them to befriend her or love her. She'll end up teaching them her dark arts, spreading the word. She's get them six feet under would they decline the offer.

Valerie Underwood

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Try to find the spark to like them. If she can't find it, she'll try to break up with them or just keep her mouth shut.
-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Cry, question herself and learn to live with it.
-Having a child?
Raise the child, nourish them and learn them to be kind to others around them.
-Friends/family killed?
Mourn the loss, go after the killer if the evil is traceable.
-Being outsmarted?
Stand there, awestruck for a moment. She'd gather herself after a while and just continue what she was doing or going to do.
-Being told a bland joke?
Laugh hesitantly, trying to gather if anyone else isn't laughing.
-Stepping on a nail?
Shout, censor her foul words and mend the wound.
-Eating something disgusting?
Vomit, she hasn't got the strongest stomach.
-Buying a slave?
Release the slave, she only bought the slave to free him/her.
I'll do this on my newest character, Emelyn.

-Someone romantically interested in her?
She would investigate further to find out just how far in love they are with her.

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
She would just sigh and find another job.

-Having a child?
She would train the child just as her mother trained her.

-Friends/family killed?
She would scream and cry (both in anger) and chase after the one responsible.

-Being outsmarted?
She would try to find a way to get revenge by outdoing them at something else.

-Being told a bland joke?
She would sarcastically smile and pretend it was funny but still show that it wasn't quite as funny.

-Stepping on a nail?
She would yell, "Ouch!" and pull it out.

-Eating something disgusting?
She would force it down and then say, "Well, I guess I better hit the road. Have a nice day," and leave.

-Buying a slave?
She would buy it just for the purpose of freeing it.
Mowg Kodoskin

-Someone romantically interested in them?
Mowg would probably just use them for the physical gain, unless they fit in his master plan of having more than one wife. Then he would probably value them greater than any treasure.

-Being demoted or fired from a job or mission?
Probably not care.

-Having a child?
Wait a month, name the child, act as a mentor and father, even if it was from a 1 night stand.

-Friends/family killed?
Honor and respect their passed souls.

-Being outsmarted?
Fairly easy to do. Depending on matters Mowg view as philosophy or not, would either accuse the outamster of being dumb, or just accept it.

-Being told a bland joke?
"This's dumb. You's dumb."

-Stepping on a nail?
Snarl in pain.

-Eating something disgusting?
Announce to the chef how horrible their cooking is.

-Buying a slave?
Just one of the subject matters of the next Steel and Rage posts. Use them where he can.
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