Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The RP secrets: In-depth look at profiles
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In this guide, I'll be looking in-depth at every aspect of the parts of the profile. Hopefully everything will be understandable.

Player: This is your forum name. Place it so we can know who put up the profile when we put it on the wiki.

Character Full Name: Your character's full name. Things like "John Johnson", "John William Johnson", "John 'the snake' Johnson". It can involve just first and last, first middle and last, and a nickname. Remember to sound like your races' names too. Nothing like "Razgotu Forrguudra" the Gnome. Furthermore, no names of lore characters, and no relations to lore characters in-name. Remember: Strong characters need not piggy back off of the established fame of a lore character!

Character In-Game Name: What you named your character when you made it in-game. Should be just the first name. Remember CotH's naming policy as well!

Nickname(s): What is your character known by that isn't his name? Could be a shortened version of his full name (I.E. William would be "Will") or an alias, or perhaps just something random people call him.

Association(s): Oftentimes, your main association will be Horde or Alliance, your city, and any other factions/guilds you belong to. Remember only a few factions beyond Alliance and Horde are open to players. No Illidari. No Scourge. No Scarlet Crusade. Nothing like that.

Race: Any of the ten races allowed are right there on the character select screen when you go to make the character. You needn't be half-anything, you can just be a full blooded Human, Elf, or what have you. Anything beyond the ten basic races will be a... Well, I'm not going to lie. It's more than likely going to be a "No."

Class: Here is where your character class goes. No prestige titles go here (I.E. Assassin, Bonechewer, Felsworn etc) since as you fill this out, it isn't an approved character. It needs to be approved before you can get a prestige. Furthermore, you can be a class OOC and IC. Say IC you just want a tailor. OOC you're a Warlock. Be sure to address this! Furthermore, anything beyond the basics will need to be cleared with a GM first.

Age: Remember to stay within the norms of your race! No Human lives to be a thousand, and no Elf is going to run around at 22.

Sex: Male or female. Not difficult.

Hair: Once again, keep within the norms of your race. No pink hair for Orcs and no black hair for NElves.

Eyes: Norms of your race! You don't need to be super special with MEGA SUPER SAYIAN eyes that crackle lightning.

Weight: Remember to keep proportions in note. If you're 300 lbs and 5'2. you're going to be very wide. Norms of your race apply.

Height: Once again, keep proportions in mind. I once made an extremely gaunt warrior because I wanted him to be 6'2 and around 110 lbs.

Usual Garments/Armor: What does your character usually wear? Robes to express his higher standing or magical backround? Thuggish leathers that help conceal him in darkness? Shining armor that reflects the glory of the light? Peasant clothes? Be descriptive!

Other: What does your character have that is unique about them? Perhaps he has no teeth, or missing an eye. Maybe he has a birth defect. Be descriptive! Can't stress this enough.

Alignment: This describes it better than I ever could.

Personality: My favorite part. What is your character like? What does he like? What does he hate? What does he think about current events? IS he reactionate or stoic to his surroundings? Be descriptive! Something like "He is happy" just will NOT do! It is your character, you should know him inside and out! So, tell us.

History: The bulk of the profile. Your character's apst. What happened to him? What made him the way he is? Where was he born, and how was he brought up? This part of the profile is the most important, as it lets us take a look at your character, to see what made him how he is. Go from birth to now, not with every minute detail though! We're looking for an outline, and the ideal length is 3-6 paragraphs. Remember to space and the like, and that personality combined with history must be at least ten lines!

Alright, that about does it. Just wanted to make a quick guide on the detailes of a profile. Have fun making your next character, and my next guide will be over IC events!
EDIT ON THE SEX PART: Someone PM'd me about this, and I'm not sure if hermaphrodites are allowed... Are they?
Monolith Wrote:EDIT ON THE SEX PART: Someone PM'd me about this, and I'm not sure if hermaphrodites are allowed... Are they?

They'd be... extremely hard to represent in-game. Not only that, I doubt they'd get far in the pseudo-medieval societies presented in-game, to say the least, anyway. I'd wager a confident guess that they're not allowed.

Anyway, excellent guide, Monny! I'm sure it'll come in handy. I personally need to think about the "ideal length" for a character's history, but I seem to keep forgetting that no-one wants to read a novella when they read a profile. /cough

Keep up the leet writing, you beast of a man, you.
Daw, thanks. Also, thanks for the help. I agree, it would not be allowed.
It'd be odd.

But this is coming from someone who played a tranvestite dwarf before.
Rensin Wrote:It'd be odd.

But this is coming from someone who played a tranvestite dwarf before.

Not to derail this thread.. But that's a new fun fact! :mrgreen:

*cough* Carry on.