Conquest of the Horde

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As will I.

Also, be prepared, I'm compiling a list of all the things we need to discuss about Cata.
It's very, very big. Lots of issues.

Perhaps I should make a whole new topic for it?
Cataclysm looks so pretty for WoW. I'm surprised it's the same game I've been playing for so long D:

I forsee a huge flood of Worgen players. A flooding of epic proportions. And there will be barely any Goblins. Looking forward to the new main city designs, should be nice.
No, we must not. (Create a new topic for this)

Oddshotty, you're making a Goblin Sapper team with me and Latiel, remember! You must make that!
I think Zearo is right.

And I'm serious. We could make it a group of ambassadors! Oooh, the possibilites...
I'm going for a goblin american-gangster stereotype who loves guns more than money. Well, both. I'm in.
Man, we're gonna have to do alot of work here.

We need a battle plan, seriously.

Shall we begin?
The Very First Thing - An event to set everything up. Fel, we'd need heaps of events to set it up. All that new territory, factions and all that good stuff, it'll need lots of events to go with it all.

Eastern Kingdoms
Gilneas - Big event to kick the Worgen storyline off? Maybe one that sets them up with the Alliance?
Twilight Highlands/Grim Batol - Well, Grim Batol might be a bit out of our league ICly, but what about those other pesky dragons and Twilight Hammer guys?
Tol Barad - Could it be a good place to restart some good ol' fashion War RP over the prison there? Maybe it could be one big instance, where all the worst criminals and creatures (Not anything too lore heavy) could bust out, and we have to put them back in?
Deathwing Scar/Deepholm - Mining expeditions? Treasure hunting? Even some Airship-to-Airship combat?

Mount Hyjal - Ok, I know this definitely. Lots of Nelven Action against Ragnaros to save the World Tree. Could you argue against that? Seriously.
Uldum - More Treasure Hunting? Although, it is Titan Country. Might be a wee bit hard to fight/get there ICly.

Kezan - Like the Worgen's Gilneas, a big kickoff event for the Goblins? Perhaps to do with aiding the survivors of the volcanic activity?
Lost Isles - Maybe plenty of War RP between the Alliance and the Horde?
Sunken City of Vashj'ir - Even more Treasure Hunting? And lots of Pirate RP.

Major Cities
Orgrimmar - Lets face it, a lot of people will be mad about Garrosh's decision to make Orgrimmar Orc-Only. Perhaps a good ol' Shin'Sholai revolution?
Undercity – Nothing particular important here, just all that building work for the Flying Mounts. And those Kor'kron Guards...
Stormwind – Again, besides building work and the new Worgen District, nothing much about this.
Darnassus – Althought it's not on the list, I figure something important might be needed for this one. Mostly because of Hyjal reopening, the Night Elves might figure to move there, if they manage to clear out Ragnaros and his minions. Of course, that's a very improbably possibility. I think the GMs would rather not move an entire city, or build one up from scratch, when they have Darnassus. Of course, I just figured I'd make a note of it.
Mulgore – Because the Alliance is taking quite a step into the Barrens by taking the south, Mulgore's defences will be fortified. I'd think either War RP or perhaps some Sabotage/Espionage RP from the Alliance side.

Changed Zones: Eastern Kingdoms
Badlands – Not a lot of information on it, so we'll have to wait and see.
Hillsbrad Foothills – One thing: War. The Horde has finally taken it, so perhaps the Alliance might want it back.
Silverpine Forest – Might want to refer to the Gilneas point.
Stranglethorn Vale – Not a lot to say, sounds like mostly aesthetics to me.
Wetlands – The same, although you might want to refer to the Deathwing Scar/Deepholm point, it sounds like a lot of crazy stuff is gonna happen to the Wetland environment.

Changed Zones: Kalimdor
Ashenvale – Ok, lots of stuff here, especially after the Ashenvale War thing didn't go well. Of course, now it'll be different, the Orcs on defense and the Night Elves on offense. I'd expect to see lots of guerrilla warfare RP here, sabotaging Orcish machines and what not.
Azshara – Never would I have expected this: A huge Horde Symbol Land. Seriously. I'm not entirely sure what you could do with Azshara. Perhaps, just before Cata, a huge excavation of any relics there, to be saved from destruction at Goblin hands.
Darkshore – More War RP anyone? Yep, Garrosh made a big push into Darkshore after that tidal wave. The Night Elven forces may have to focus on pushing them back. Also, Auberdine's civilians might have to be evacuated.
Desolace – Whoa, I never thought I'd see the day. But seriously, I'd think we might have another Orc/Nelf feud over the place, seeing as it's all lush and full of life now.
Stonetalon Mountains – The Goblins did it again. They blew a big hole in something, and now we have a new path into Ashenvale. The Nelves might want to check that out, maybe destroy it? Or use it so they can attack the Horde's Northern Barrens?
Tanaris – Nothing really to Tanaris, mostly about Uldum.
The Barrens – This one is gonna be a big one. Lots more Treasure Hunting RP, some Druid RP on the side, maybe a dash of War RP as well.
Thousand Needles – I never thought I'd think of Pirate RP happening in a place like Thousand Needles. And perhaps some evacuation of any Taurens that can't swim.

Whoa, big list.
So, discuss.

Stay tuned, we'll have more things to work on. Particulary about the races and the factions. And the guilds. Lots more stuff.
But the one thing I think we all need to know, is that Cataclysm is going to be an Age of Warfare.
So get your dispensable alts ready :D
Let's hope CoTH makes the Gilneas City Battleground RPable. I mean Knights of the Queen/Forsaken vs. Worgen Battles across the city is epic. Plus, it isn't a battleground, it's a city battle so taking control of districts and such adds a new dimension to battles.
Hmm, I think we may have to put a blanket of protection over Gilneas, It is the starting place of the Worgens after all.

Then again, I imagine the KotQ/Forsaken will be outnumbered almost instantly, seeing how everyone will want one.
Well I did hear that Greymane City is actually controlled by both factions and that currently the capital of the Gilneans is only Greymane Manor. So, lore-wise it won't be a walk in the park for the Gilneans I think. Yeah, player-wise, they'd have the advantage.
I may be spouting idiocy, but aren't they supposed to improve the graphics in Cataclysm?
Ya they are going to improve the graphics quite a bit in the new expansion from what I understand
Yep, new graphics. Pretty sweet.

Oh, and I have a question: Will Worgens be allowed to speak ICly in their Wolf forms?
If so, I think that throws talking Druid Animal Forms back into question.
Garrosh used to be cool until he kicked all the Trolls out. >:[

I am not amused.
Oddshotty Wrote:Oh, and I have a question: Will Worgens be allowed to speak ICly in their Wolf forms?
If so, I think that throws talking Druid Animal Forms back into question.

I put Worgen in the category that Tauren are, in that they aren't animals and have developed their own way to speak. Put that into contrast with actual Bears and crap running around talking.

I think I'm gonna RP a Worgen who can't talk though, that sounds fun.
Agreed with Hawk. And I'd love to RP a Worgen Druid that only growls or a Worgen Warlock in a Suit (The Alliance side of Forsaken Lawyers)
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