Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Worgens vs. Goblins
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Goblin - I always loved their technology... and I always wanted to say "I got what ya need!" LOL
Goblins are badass. Must I say more?
Goblins ftw! I have *always* had a thing for merchant RP. And Goblins remind me of the best race in the whole of Star Trek.. The Ferengi! Which also equals AWESOME! :D WOO!
I'd rather have a top hat. Though I do quite like goblins...

... that's it! I'm giving my goblin businessman a top hat! Victory! :3
I was so disappointed when WoW came out, that goblins were not made a player race and they had added even gnomes.... so... GOBLINS!
(WARNING: The link contains some heavy metal music from youtube)
Can't... resist.. lame pun...


I mean, they're like... Stuff. Oh, and
[Image: tophat.gif]
If they never make a top hat in WoW, I am going to have to send an angry letter to someone.

Oh, and on topic stuff, Goblins Rules, I wanna RP one.
I'll be rolling both a Worgen and one of those smelly, green, cheating, backstabbing, lousy Goblins... They both seem pretty awesome to RP (on this server anyway, I dread what'll happen on retail).
I'd roll both. Worgen get the cool transforming stuffs, and Goblins are Goblins, therefor awesome.
Goblin Mage. Yesh. :3
Goblins have actually been part of the horde for some time. The bilgewater cartel at least.
My vote went to both just because I kinda feel like trying out the Worgen thingies... and because I like Alliance (in ur faise hordiz u fale). I actually have no idea what it would be like to RP one... I don't even know if I could do it. :3 Anyways, I <3 Goblins. Like, really REALLY much. So yeah. :>

I'd make multiples of both and I voted as such, but to help the conversation I will advocate the underdog. (ZOMG ITS A PUN JFuewgnbewgjearoungoesrjges)

Worgen. Why? THAT DUEL-WIELDING WOLF MAN ON THE CATACLYSM PICTURE THING WAS AWESOME. Oh, and because by the looks of things there will be more Goblins. I also like the idea of being a race close to the Night-Elves but not having to be a Night-Elf.
Despite preferring Horde by a longshot, I'd prefer to play a Worgen over a Goblin, but I'll still be rolling both.
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