Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Where is everyone? :(
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So I finally got everything downloaded and patched perfectly, and I created my character... and found absolutely no one in the blood elf starting zone to roleplay with (this is in the old server, don't know if that matters). I know that this is a small community, but I wasn't expecting it to be this deserted.

Are there more people on during a certain time of day, or are there certain places that are more populated? Or do I have to go on the forums beforehand and search for someone to roleplay with me before I even log on? Do I need to constantly haggle for roleplayers over the in-game chat? I was under the impression that you could play the game in-character and then come across other players to roleplay with as you progressed through the game. Plus, I'm not even sure how to quickly transport my character to a location where I know a lot of other players have converged.

If anyone could explain how you actually begin roleplaying, that would be great.

- Rather Discouraged New Member
If you type /who and clear the info in the box, you can see everyone who's currently online. They might not necessarily be near the blood elf zones, but a lot of us have many, many alts that would be near you. So yes, it's usually best to ask in chat or LFG for roleplay, as we are a bit different from retail in that aspect.

As far as fast travel goes, there's a components section on the sidebar here in the forums, and that has a teleporter within it that you can use to get yourself places. :>
I guess I can add that the blood elf starting zone isn't that much of a popular RP spot. You'll find a lot more people inside the city, but it really varies. As Moose said, the /who is your friend. RP is not everywhere, but most times of the day, it's somewhere.
That, and I imagine people aren't exactly pleased with the recent server issues and are possibly busying themselves with other things until things get a bit more stable.
Not to mention that I saw half the server on the New server and half of it on the Old server yesterday, that likely makes it harder to find people as well, hehe.
Cool, thanks everyone, that's a lot of help. :]
I have been away from home a lot lately on projects. While I got internet access and a laptop, WoW doesn't run too well on this.

Plus the server instability -is- rather disheartening.
I'm not having any stability issues lately, to be honest...
Fortunately, the 'stability' (ie, switching between the two servers) is a thing of the past, for now. That, and it seems the server program itself hasn't been crashing as much lately, as well.