Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A Formal Goodbye
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Okay, so most people have noticed I left, but I don't feel right just cutting and dropping CotH like that.

I've not even attempted to get onto the server itself in near a month at this point, and haven't done anything on the forums in just as long. Honestly, I loathe the fact that I'm not on, but I think it's best that I make my leave now. I won't lie. I'm probably not coming back, but I hold no ill will towards anyone here.

CotH is a great community, constantly growing and thriving no matter what. I still have many friends here, and I admit that my leave breaks a promise to one friend here whom I respect greatly, but there's not much I can do to amend it, and I hope that friend will forgive me.

During my time here, I've no doubt that everyone has come up with their own opinions of myself, for better or worse, and frankly, I don't much mind, really. I know there are people here who dislike me, and are likely glad I've left. Good for them. It's their right to have their opinions about me and they're entitled to them.

To the people on the opposite side whom will miss me, I'm sorry, really. I'll miss you all just as much, but I don't see myself staying, and if I do come back, it will likely be a long, long time from now.

As for my characters, to prevent anyone needing to retcon anything, here's what happened to them. Yes, I'm killing some.

Nyell died after traveling back to Outland. It was in Zangarmarsh, and she got too close to the Horde outpost there without realizing. She was killed on sight, and the body was never found.

Velial vanished shortly after a failed resurrection attempt on her lover, and was last seen in Tanaris, or more accurately, Gadgetzan. She is still alive.

Epiraantix is somewhere in Northrend, battling the Scourge or some such on behalf of the Ebon Blade.

Lyana is resting in some unknown location, asleep in the Emerald Dream.

Kachity is presumed dead after a scuffle with Darkshire guards and a failed robbery. Her bloody garments washed up in Westfall in a condition that suggests a bear attack.

Amadaeus died in a zeppelin crash because I couldn't figure out a more appropriate death for him.

Anyone unspecified here just disappeared. You can look, but you're not going to find them.

I'm not ragequitting or anything of the sort, and if I do come back, these character deaths/deletions are so that I might make a fresh start, and/or to provide closure for anyone whom may have known them IC'ly, to account for their absence.

If anyone wants to get in touch:

Gmail: daedalus12316~at~gmail~dot~com
MSN: guitar-dragon~at~hotmail~dot~com

Like I said, CotH. We had good times, and bad times. The good vastly outnumber the bad, and I'll miss you all.

See you later, space cowboy...
Good bye and good luck! Hope you get things sorted, whatever they may be, and can come back.
Take care, nub! I also obscured your emails for you. Can't be too careful with bots everywhere!