Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Paladin Mounts - Confused
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I'm a bit confused about the Mounts in CotH. I've been witnessing level-20's using them (okay..), and I was told it was a CotH feature. Now however, I've also been told the casual Paladin skill was bugged; and I had to get the skill off WSG. Soo my question is, how exactly do I acquire a mount with level (30-)? (I am playing a Human)

Just please be concise. I'm very confused right now...*grins*
Level 20's have been able to ride mounts for a while now, I forget exactly when that changed. The levels now are:
20 for 75 riding
40 for 150 riding
60 for 225 riding
70 for 300 riding

As for the Paladin skill being bugged, I can't answer that because I'm new here. ^^'
Go to Warsong Gulch and talk to the green blob near the wooden dummies, not far from the center.
Training wise there is a Orc riding a wolf mount outside the Horde area in WSG, For special mounts go Where gibbousmoon said to go. Also for anyother mounts/pets in the Horde flag room there is a book on the ground. Click on it.
You can get a normal mount at level one on CoTH. There are many vendors in "Arathi Farms". To get there, you use the books in either the Orgrimmar inn, or the Stormwind bank. It's on the table in Orgrimmar, and on a bench in Stormwind.