Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A starting point?
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So I'm quite new to roleplaying in a game rather than on a forum, and I'm worried about making a fool out of myself (all right, I probably wouldn't, but I'd still feel stupid and awkward.)

Are there any hotspots to go to or roleplaying storylines that occur reliably at specific places and times? The area I'm training in seems pretty devoid.
If the people playing are willing, I'd like to watch and learn while my character bio is waiting for approval.
One Suggestion I can make, being new to this Server as well but not to Roleplay is rather then sitting and watching more OOCLy is actually just sort of play your character a little shy at first. With doing that it allows you to sort of watch and learn but still participate.

Just a suggestion mind you. And another thing is get out there with your character, don't worry so much about leveling and doing the quests, just go out and explore a little.. run into people.

I had an excellent interaction with two individuals outside Brill on my Forsaken. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening so I just sort of played it loose and adapted as I went.

The Rp was short and to the point but was very refreshing and excellent and showed a me a good bit.
I'll try that. Thanks.