Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Drak & Rigley's Guide to Engineering!
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So me and Rigley thought we'd make a little guide to prove to you all that there is more than meets the eye to Engineers, and that they can be quite fun to Roleplay!

Now let's transform and roll out.

First things first, a list of the possible things you can Roleplay as and what they do:

First the basics, and there fore the basic Engineer: The basic Engineer is someone that can fix and make things out of metal and wires, that I'm sure you already know. And if you don't, boy you better read this Guide if you want to be able to Roleplay a good and fun Engineer! Anyway, the basic Engineer has, well, Engineer-y clothing and works for the Alliance/Horde and his/her guild, if said Engineer is one. They usually carry the tools they use most of the time, such as Wrenches and Screwdrivers, in a special pocket tied to their waist or stomach area.

Now for the more Engineer types, here is a list of what you can Roleplay, and if what you want isn't here then be creative.

Let us begin with your 'Engineer for hire'. Basiclly you'll be walking around in nice clothing (A good suit and hat as I prefer) and go around saying you are a skilled Engineer that and repair just about anything, for a price of course.

You can also be the 'Engineer-that's-always-busy-with-some-kind-of-project'. You be walking around in dirty rags, goggles, dirty face and say you just finished working on something and that you spend just about all your time in your work place. This could also be called the obsessive.

The Mad-scientist: Mad Scientists doesn't -have- to be Alchemists, they can be Engineers as well, and goofy hairstyles and scary clothing is not required to be one, but is encouraged if you want everyone to know you are a Mad Scientist. Your mind is almost as twisted as Rigley's and Drakus', well.. It's twisted on a different level as theirs. You usually think of making abomination like creatures, plot to take over Azeroth or just build crazy things for a heavy price. On another token, mad scientists could be people who want to better control their lives through engineering. Madness can come from an unearthly thirst of knowledge, after all.

Gadget Engineer: The Gadget type Engineer is someone who focuses on making Gadgets for the greater good of mankind, or maybe it's downfall (Depending on whether your character's good or evil). The Engineer builds the strangest of strange things, like a shrinking device or Goggles that make everyone look like female Orcs. Gadget engineers almost live by the famous portal quip of 'Do what we must because we can.' Why does the world need an invention that turns foes into chickens? Why would we need a bomb that makes people dance? Because engineering makes it possible.

Explosives Engineer: Ahh, good ol' explosives! The Explosive Engineer mainly focuses on building Explosives of any kind. Basically demomen, if your planning on going down this route, it's a good idea to find out where you think your character would draw the line on these bombs. Will he make plain demolition bombs, specialist grenades for merc work, or will he be some crazy man running around with a sapper charge on his chest?
List of Explosives:
-Standard bombs [TNT esque, the common engineering ones]
-Special bombs [smoke, ice, so on.]
-Sapper charges
-Demolition charges [Seaforium]

Combat Engineer: Here's an interesting Engineer, he's both an Explosive Engineer and Gadget Engineer, but he is also neither. Doesn't make sense? Well let me tell you this, Combat Engineers combine their Gadget and Explosive knowledge for combat purposes, like making wrist rocket launchers, special motion seekers in their helmets/masks (Though since this is Azeroth and CotH, it will be buggy, like a stick braking will be noted) and all such. Its important to note that you shouldn't take this as far as Steam Warrior esque battle suits, though. That's a prestige class.

Specialists: Engineering types based on gadgets, explosives, so on is a wide and varied field. Specialists are engineers who have devoted years of study in a specific field of machinery. Some examples would be aviators, robotics [Lil Smoky!] or aquatics. Shameless plug.

Jack of All Trades: Knowledgeable of all concepts of engineering, master of none. This engineer could probably touch on gadgets on every field, but more complex areas of a specialization would be lost on this one.

-Both me and Rigley made this guide, how? PM one another after editing it. Hope this Guide helps
This definitely deserves a bump. Epic guide, this cleared up almost ALL my questions about Engineering, and I think more need to see this!

Great job, Drak and Rigley! Guide rocks!
Very nice!
Spiligrack is definately the combat engineer. Combining shrink rays with everything to make it possible for a gnome to devastating results. What you really should add in for combat engineers though is that in roll battles, you need to roll for them to succeed in actually working, before applying damage. This is due to if it's a gadget you personally made, then it will not be perfect. Other than that, yes, thats all right!
benblaster247 Wrote:Spiligrack is definately the combat engineer. Combining shrink rays with everything to make it possible for a gnome to devastating results. What you really should add in for combat engineers though is that in roll battles, you need to roll for them to succeed in actually working, before applying damage. This is due to if it's a gadget you personally made, then it will not be perfect. Other than that, yes, thats all right!

Honestly, I did think of adding rolls to certain things but then again I thought it would be too much work -and- the builder of said gadgets/bombs would know how stable it is and should be trusted to have his own rolls. Like I have with Drakus' explosives, 1-10 = Dead. 11-25=lose a limb. 26-45=get really hurt. 46-68=get hurt and pushed away. 69-89=no damage, just pushed away a lil'. 90-100=No effect (on Drakus) but still effect on oponent.

Buuuut! If enough players ask for me and/or Rigley to make rolls for gadgets and stuff, we'll do it! :)
I just do a 1-100 roll, with under 30 failing, 30-60 not working quite right [it'll be ready next turn], and 60-100 being insta-ready. Then normal combat rules. This is mostly due to Spiligrack's general chaotic way of engineering: if it works once, it'll work again, lets move onn! Oh, and remember who got 450 engi first Drak! Me, baby, MEEE! [Rigley just pwned everyone]
Yes, but let's remember who got the Bomb Maniac title here.
I was the Bomb Maniac, initially. You self-styled it after your belt! I used sapper charges and a vast supply of dynamite and gun powder, and maintain to. Then I had a break on retail. Another note! Be experimental with you NPC deaths, even if they arent boss kills. You're an engineer: you mess with things to see what they do. This, for Spiligrack, stretches to seeing how much gunpowder it takes where to blow a skull open. For you it could be what's the most effecient, and so saving the most money. If your a combat engineer, remember to remain in character, keep on thinking through 'ooh, how cool would it be if I blew open his skin' then think about the problem logically. I'd think a shrapnel grenade thrown at a certain angle for this, personally, but that's not very inventive! By craaazy!