Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Favorite race to roleplay as?
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Dwarves are the most badass race native to Azeroth. I say native to Azeroth because orcs are close rivals, but they hail from Outland.

This statement is non-debatable.

Trolls are also acceptable, perhaps. Sometimes. Occasionally. No, actually, dwarves win.
Forsaken. I enjoy the fact you can be extremely flexible with them.. have a Starting and a Restarting story line with them.

Plus come on, how cool is it smacking the back of your head and letting your eyeball fall out?!
Honestly? I second Forsaken. They have an amazing opportunity for unique personalities that I -absolutely- love, and they can be incredibly fun to play around as. /thumbsup
Orcs rule and others drool!
No votes for Tauren?

Blood Elves, for me. It has little to do with aesthetics before you say anything.

I see so far no-one loves Taurens the mostest? Where's Maulbane to right this wrong?!
EL OH EL, i had to vote for Tauren, but second on my list is Blood Elf...
After a lot of thinking and forcing myself to choose, I'd say Forsaken! People who know me will know the reason. (and Chad!)
Hmph. Where is ze Draenei love? Cmon people - they have a spaceship!
Which crashed into a freakin' planet... HOW CAN YOU CRASH INTO A PLANET!?!?! stupid squid heads...
Human, just for the flexibility.
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