Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Improved Chopper?
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I don't know if there ever was a question like this, so better to ask and find out than to sit and wonder and never know the awnser :P Anyway, is it possible for passenger mounts to get their passenger abilities in the future? Or is it one of those things that just won't work?

Like I said, just asking 'cos I'm curious :)
It's a problem with the emulator, it's just terrible with handling something that complex on the inside, but simple looking on the outside. It's a matter of the dev team to get it working, and that's generally not their highest priority.
I suppose all we can do is hope for the best, it would be amazing. :)
If they manage a way to do that, then hopefully they can get the tanks working. I've wanted to use one of those since they announced them.
Using tanks would deeply improve the possible RP of my guild "Cogspinner Incorporated", for sure.

If I can ever get it off the ground, that is.
Right, thanks for the news! We'll wait! :)