Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A certain gun...
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So I was looking through guns, and there's one that I just -wish- could be available to we the people :B

It's the little spray gun from the forsaken in Northrend, famous for having the gas mask, one of my other requests.

The one I could think of off the top of my head was this guy;

To my knowledge this doesn't exist as an actual item yet. Could this be changed, perhaps? I have a janitor who would love to have an even more rickety gun.

Here you go, gas mask..
I'm not looking for the gasmask, since that's been taken care of. If you look at the screenshot of the npc linked it has a gun, which is what I'm looking for :B
I had some spare time while waiting for my current partner-in-crime to return to the game and spent some time searching through the WMV. I found the item, but it's not in WoWHead or any other database that I can find. There are a handful of items listed that use the same model:
  • Item34034 [34034] [47277]
  • Item35805 [35805] [49122]

There may be more, but I'm having fun with the inherent instability of some items in the WMV; it keeps crashing and after going over dozens -- if not hundreds -- of items I'm tired of trying to skip over the ones that cause the program to crash.

I'm not sure how that information would help you, but that's the best I could find. The skin is called firearm_2h_plague_a_01.m2 if that could provide any direction.