Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: When a GM says they are filling out tickets...
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Alright. So, I logged on, and decided I'd ask to see if anyone needed leveling or items through using our announcing ability. I stated, "if you do, please make a ticket."

This has never happened to me, but I recieved -no less- than -ten- whispers from people asking for junk. Teleports, free items, gold... and even to fix screwed up abilities.

Guys, read our rules. We don't give out freebies, and there are processes people need to go through to get this stuff. And to -whisper- me a hundred times when I said "please make a ticket" is extremely frustrating, hence why I logged.

Follow our processes, read our rules if you haven't. I know a majority of the people that did this were new, but c'mon. You all -have stated- you read our rules and our wiki.