Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rune blades in every flavor!!!
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So I looked through model viewer and various death knight NPCs and found out that /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:38632:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Greatsword of the Ebon Blade]\124h\124r"); happens to have other colors! A lime, grape and cherry flavor to your normal blue raspberry runeblade that was so generously given to you by the Ebon Blade.

[Image: 148792.jpg]

[Image: 126753.jpg]

[Image: 99679.jpg]

NPCs are Ebon Blade Commander, Zor'be the Bloodletter <Master of Arms>, Ebon Blade Defender
I want mine in pink. >:{

But srsly. I love these. +_+ Makes for some pretty cool new looks! :3
Ooh ooh ooh! I reserve green one!
No, wait..
I reserve ALL the green ones!
Are those screenies from on-server, or retail?
Hmph. Now I feel like eating a runeblade, thanks to your crazies.

Om nom nom, tastes like destruction and synthetic red grape.
Looks awsome! I'd totally want the green one!! (Too bad my troll already has a runeaxe...:()
If someone would be so kind as to find the displayID, I would have no issue with creating the swords.
I found the IDs in WoW Model Viewer, they're found on Two Handed Swords.

Item41259 [41259] [52968] is the purple one.

Item41370 [41270] [53022] is the red one.

Item42478 [42478] [53484] is the green one.

I hope this helps. ^.^

Also, I found a lot of quite nice looking custom swords which I'm not quite sure exist. . . perhaps we could make a thread for custom weapons which can be added in WSG? (Like, no level restriction custom weapons but no damage/stats either.)
Thank joo Bounty! Now the DKs are one step closer to being, awsomer *cough*
1983 - Grape
2181 - Cherry
2497 - Lime

Feel free to find other colors for the axe as well!

Edit: Dur, forgot to simply add them to the DK vendor!
Hooray for Kretol! And I'll see if I can find diffrent runeaxes on WMV.