Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Magic Help
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Hi all,
I'm looking for a little help in determining what magic my main character can use. She's a Holy priestess in Stormwind, nineteen years old, better at healing than unleashing holy wrath. Now, I know it doesn't make much IC sense for her to be casting end-game raid magic like Lightwell and Hymn of Hope, and a smite that causes 10,000 damage. At least, I don't think it does. So what DOES make sense? What spells and abilities am I allowed to use and/or describe? She'll have to cast something eventually, so I need a little help on how to do it right.
I would go with what makes sense to you.

Ask yourself a few questions like:

How long has she been training?
How quickly can she pick up new talents?
For what purpose did she go into studying the Light?

etc etc etc

If you think it's reasonable for your character to be able to do something, I really see no reason why you can't do it, and anything she can't do at the moment can certainly be something your character can train in and, over time, be capable of doing ( ex. Smite ).

Now when it comes to -how- to emote healing someone or attacking something with holy energies, I'd say just be creative! The general consensus, however, is that spells of all types don't have a verbal component, but that's not to say you can't have your character recite a few words if it helps them enter the ideal mental state necessary for proper spell-casting!
Her spells would certainly be limited. If you think she can't do a certain spell, she most likely can't.
Nexusphere said it very well, I think. I'd say go by what makes sense and try not to give yourself too much, of course. If she focuses more on healing, maybe she has a natural affinity for it and is able to channel healing energy much easier, but using it as an offensive ability requires more concentration? And since she's young, she still may have many things to learn. I wouldn't think that a basic healing spell and basic offensive spell (A weak smite) wouldn't be too crazy, if you're wanting her to start off early. And there's a lot of RP to be done to learn the more complex spells, as well. :D So yes, have fun with it. ^.^
Thanks for the more specific and detailed descriptions!