Conquest of the Horde

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I choose Kalimdor. It still has that warcraft 3 feeling to it not to mention unique zones like Silithus that is just full of amazing lore. Plus best solo rp I had was with Scot sneaking in Diremaul, running for his life and escaping with a ogre recipe for green grog. If I ever make a druid I'd probably mostly be in Feralas or the new Desolace (the one from Cata). That reminds me, Kalimdor is really going to get a make over isn't it?
Eastern Kingdoms!

I love the overlap in some zones, the nature is quite consistent while Kalimdor and Outland just throw it about, really. Then there's Northrend but that's just too much undead for my taste even though it has some great zones! I do, however, like Feralas growing into the barren Thousand Needles.
I haven't been able to do much yet, but I'd -love- doing some RP in Northrend. The lands are just so gritty and cold and awesummm. Perhaps I'll head there on my Dwarf some time soon.
Eastern Kingdoms, because Elwynn and Stormwind are located there.
I picked Kalimdor over everyone else for just a few reasons:

- I like Kal'Dorei; They're stationed up in northern Kalimdor.
- I like Orcs; They're in the middle of Kalimdor.
- A great deal of Goblin-owned land is in Kalimdor, and I like Gobblers. Sorta'.
- I have spent an inordinate amount of time on Live in Outland and the EK. It's nice to go somewhere relatively new to me and hang out and explore for a bit.
- Until Gilnes (I can't spell!) come out in Cata, Theramore is/has always been/will be the best Human city in WoW.
Kalimdoooor! Night elves ftw, Naga too. :3 But EK is good.
Northrend. Cause you can't find a better place for random scourge jumpings anywhere else xD
I would have to say Kalimdor is my favorite continent. Why? It's home to the Old Horde and my favorite Horde races, the Trolls and Tauren. Although the Darkspear are originally from Stranglethorn Vale, they have shown adaptability to their new home in Durotar, and the Tauren have learned to live from the earth even in the Barrens, proving they are just as able to live in harsh conditions.

But above all, the Orcs have shown to be more resourceful. They learned how to make allies quickly, how to live in almost desert-like conditions, and above all, have their own capitol city -- Orgrimmar. The Orcs are more than capable of handling themselves.

So now everyone here knows who I'd root for.

Kalimdor, hands down. For obvious reasons. Night Elves. Feralas. Tanaris. Goblins. Hyjal. Moonglade.

Eastern Kingdoms, especially in stromgarde and SFK.... those are just the best... not even sure why.
The outland.

Love the feel of alien landscape, jagged rocks and floating cities.
Oh this one is hard, really depends on the character. But discounting the character I prefer Northrend, best town -and- wilderness.
I always enjoyed the Outlands for RP, mainly because it grants the feeling of a "New Frontier" for exploration. My characters who first venture there are always astonished by the strangeness and it is really quite fun.
Northrend is great! All cold and wintery, has good looking gear from vendors...

It's nice. So. Northrend.
I'd say Eastern Kingdoms, but if I had experienced roleplay in Northrend, I'd probably say Northrend as Northrend got some fine spots for roleplay.
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