Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Denolyier`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I am a young adult male, still in school. I've been playing RPGs on and off for the past three or four years. I play casually, the majority on the weekends when I have the most free time. I like MMORPGs because of its social aspect and need for creativity. I like playing a game where you create characters with their own personality, history, strengths, and weaknesses and escape your own world for a while.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
East Coast, USA. English is my primary language.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Years ago I played Starcraft and it eventually lead me to Warcraft 3 and its expansion. However, recently another RPG (Planeshift) I've been playing has been quiet. A few of the players I play with from that game have come here and I decided to check it out too.

What made you seek our server over others?:
I haven't looked into other servers but I came here because I want to play WoW in a serious, enforced roleplay environment and not just to level skills and fight other people without actually playing a character. This server was shown to me as an option to have fun without all the out of character interruptions I would find on other servers.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I enjoy all sorts of roleplay. To be honest, I'm more into roleplaying action and adventure but I'll enjoy a relaxing tavern roleplay every once in a while too. I also like to play characters who are merchants, politicians, criminals, and spies. I haven't tried roleplaying in very large numbers, I usually roleplay with groups of three to five people at a time. Although I look to find new people to play with all the time.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I could see myself making a variety of characters that are dwarf, gnome, blood elf, or undead. However, I think my first character will be a troll. I like their tribal and barbaric nature. And something about their dark and cruel personality and suspicions of other races draws my interest in making a character that isn't seen as the heroic, 'good guy' type unless by his own tribe. As for classes, I could also see having a variety: rogues, hunters, warlocks all draw my attention but I think my favorite would be a shaman. Having a variety of roles they can fill and options they can pursue make them perfect for first exploring the game or just having a character that isn't restricted to one job. Also being spiritually connected and leaders of their clans bring you deeper into the World of Warcraft lore and culture as well as allowing you to make more in depth characters.

What are your expectations of this server?:
To provide a fun playing environment to get away from out of character griefers and troublemakers. Basically just provide a place for me and others to play a role and develop their character's stories on. I expect that the other players I find on this server want to roleplay and have fun doing it. I expect the server to enforce the rules that they put forth.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I like that you have all the rules about roleplay and those are very important to me, but respect would have to be the most important to me. In games, I like being able to play with people and have fun with them and respect them regardless if one of us looses and the other wins. In RPGs, our characters could be rivals and always fight to get ahead of each other but as players we might be friends and even if we don't know each other that well, we can still respect each other for wanting to have fun and roleplay. Just respecting people as human beings is an important thing. The internet is home to countless fights and arguments between people that don't even know each other and can't respect each other. Lack of respect is the reason that disagreements become a verbal fight or abusive argument.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
I would like to complete this later.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Thank you for taking time to consider my application. I hope my intentions and answers are clearly understood. If needed, I can always clarify or answer any additional questions.
Welcome--to Conquest of the Horde!
I am Walluce and I hope you have a fantastic time here with us on the server! A fine intro you had, and you've no need to clarify anything more. :wink:

If you have any more questions that are not already answered on the Wiki feel free to PM myself or another GM! We are here to help!

See you in-game!