Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Feedback for Diver Man!
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Hello. My name is Rigley. And my back is socially unsure of itself.

In seriousness though, I'd like to hear what people think of me. I've been told I'm an annoyance, a genius, a weirdie, and a barely there presence in past experiences. I'd like to hear what CotH thinks :u

I have a plethora of characters. You may have seen me in past feature films such as;

Rigley, a human warrior obsessed with gnomes, engineering, and diving.
Johanna, a gnome warrior in ludicrous amounts of armor.
Wilt, a forsaken warrior obsessed with cleanliness, and luffa'ing people.

Notice a pattern in my class choices?

Jovana, a frito bandito gnomo rogue with a cool hat.
Hastings, a forsaken rogue with a good ol' cockney accent and a FISTO!
And if any of you have seen me RPing Luther before I apologize, an elf seemed like a good idea at the time...

So yeah. Does anyone have opinions? Hate mail? Thanks in advance!

Oh. And feedback on the Diver's Log would be nice too :3
Am I seriously the first person to say that you're awsome? o.O I mean, come on! Who doesn't like a mentally ill diver Engineer that's almost like Drakus when it comes to bombs? And Hastings, the most epic member in DSS and forsaken I know who isn't Chad.

Honestly mate, you're awsome and so it the Diver's Log.

P.S. Love Hastings' accent! It's what makes him so Epic <3
I want more forsaken in DSS ._.
Ooh, I've been in love with you ever since you came here.
Especially Johanna, that Sir Gnome In Shining Armour Who Is A Lady. So, yah.
But you always avoid me with Rigley. :C
But meh, but meh. You're kewl. Have caek.
The cake is a lie.

Bai the way, I still owe you that poem.
I had fun with Rigley during the retconned stranded event, also he gets extra points for being a diver, so all I have to add on the pile of fat is... well more fat.
Rigley owns, and that's final!