Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Keltai`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Hey! My names Amber or for short Amb

Roleplaying I got into at a young age I guess. I use to always love to write stories, at first they werent good but I got better and better. I use to always tell them to my brother Josh and put alot of physical detail into it when I told him these stories.

Then I was introduced to WoW when I was about eleven. When I started out, I was on a pvp server (Same as my fathers server) and I met a few roleplayers, instead of leveling I roleplayed.

About a year after that the few people I met transfered to roleplay servers, I wanted to go along but didnt want to leave my old friends, so instead I turned to private servers.

Over the years I've met lots of nice and great roleplayers on all different servers, my most recent one feathermoon. My old guildmaster and a few others were actually moving over here, not wanting to say goodbye yet I decided to give here a try.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I come from Pureto Rico but english is my primary language.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
My dad was big into MMORPG's and whatnot, and me and my brother were the curious kids who always watched him play, and ask LOTS of questions. He got tired of that quick :)

When he got into World of Warcraft and hit level sixty (Back in pre BC) I watched him pvp trying to get his Grand Marshal title. Finally he said to me "Go ahead and try to play Amber"

I was thrilled and started running around the battleground not knowing what to do. But eventually I got my stuff down, and of course my bro wanted to play as well. After that our dad bought us both copies of WoW, and we were hooked XD

What made you seek our server over others?:
First and foremost I have friends from an old server that are here now. Secondly not just the other day was I hoping for an rp only server, and I find you guys! Rp is a joy I love to expirence with all.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Drama roleplay is sometimes the most funniest and appealing to me, others is sometimes action or danger. But most of the time after a relaxing day, tavern roleplay is the best.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Nightelf Druid! Hands down.

Why? Well when I watched my dad play, one of his friends he pvped with was a druid. I marveled at how it turned into a kitty, then a bear, then a cheetah. I told my dad "Thats what I wanna be if I play." and now a druid is my main and still favorite class.

Nightelf is my favorite because I just love elves, and nightelf lore intriguied me from the start. And the fact my druid was a nightelf blew my mind!

What are your expectations of this server?:
Just to have a relaxed and fun rp enviorment, and to make lots of new buddies :)

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Godmoding, This one caught my eye over the others. I honestly HATE it when people godmode. It usually makes people feel annoyed, I espicalley.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Why was six afraid of seven?

Joking joking!

For my story, may I post it later? I really dont know which of my stories to use at the moment and would like time to choose.
Welcome-- To Conquest of the Horde!
Hello, my name is Walluce and I hope you have a fantastic time here with us on our humble roleplaying server. If you have any comments, concerns or questions not already answered on the wiki feel free to private message one of us colorful GM folk!

To answer your question, it is perfectly acceptable to post your story at a later date, just make sure you do. :wink:
And seven, eight, nine...

Happy roleplaying and I hope to see you in-game!