Conquest of the Horde

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Okay, so there was a debate some people had in chat the other day about Tauren classes, and though some understood why Tauren could be Paladins and Priests in Cataclysm, some just don't understand. And I've heard the question asked, "If the Tauren can be Paladins and Priests, why can't they be Rogues?"

Well, I'm here to shed some light (no pun intended) about the topic.

Paladins and Priests get their power from a "faith" system. The Tauren believe in a Goddess known as the Earth Mother. They have a strong faith in the works of the Earth Mother, and because they have a faith system pertaining to "nature" in some form or fashion, they have the powers to become Shaman and Druids.

So where do Paladins and Priests come in? This is how: Once more, I elaborate the word "faith." The Tauren believe that their ways are right, and so long as they do not do anything against their own personal faith, they have the potential to become Paladins and/or Priests. See, Paladins are warriors that are able to wield the Light. If a Tauren is trained correctly, they too can wield this power.

But the Priests? Their powers are not completely controlled by the Light or Darkness. As stated in a Class guide here, Priests have their own personal faiths different from others. Their faith allows them to either be good, neutral, or evil (hence the Holy/Discipline/Shadow trees respectively).

Now, about Rogues...

Tauren beliefs show that they have a sense of honor. Rogues are cut-throats, spies, bandits, and just generally all around back-stabbers (no pun intended). Tauren do NOT believe in doing things in private. If they do something, it is openly known. And going this route is just one way for a Tauren to be disowned by their own family and worse, removed from Tauren lands.

If anyone has anything to add to this, please do. But these are my own reasons to supporting why Tauren can be Paladins and Priests, and not Rogues.
The tauren aren't actually using the holy light. They're using a power based around their sun god who's name escapes me at the moment. But, they say that the night and the moon are getting to much credit, when the dawn soon follows. The sun is just as important. These 'paladins' are actually druids from what I understand, who have moved toward a worship of the sun rather than give credence to the night.

Or at least, that's what I got from a conversation said they copy/pasted from a tauren conversation in TB.

But I know for a fact that they're not using the HOLY light to clear that up for everyone. Or at least they think they're not. Who knows, maybe their sun god is actually a Wind chime Naaru. It would make sense if you think about it, and give credit to the whole 'Army of Light' thing the draenei have going for 'em.
Quote:Grimtotem class titles

Ordinary Grimtotem warriors have different titles depending on who you ask. Other Horde members, like the orcs, use the term “raiders” or “bandits.” They don't necessarily understand the cause the Grimtotems fight for; to the Horde, the Grimtotems seem to be an undisciplined, bloodthirsty mob, which isn't too far from the truth. Individuals outside the Horde who have dealings with the Grimtotems use the term “brute” or “mercenary” to identify Grimtotem tauren. Most of these individuals have never heard the name Grimtotem; they don't use clan names at all. Among themselves, Grimtotems call their fighters “warriors” or “hunters” without any extra distinction.
Some enemy Grimtotem mobs are sorcerers and bandits (possessing the ability to stealth like a rogue).

This shows the different philosophies of the various groups in relation to Grimtotem members.
--Grimtotem, Wowwiki
A note about tauren rouges that i would like to point out other then the one you have already stated... I dont think a taurned would be very sneaky, much less be able to hide well or blend into the shadows lol.
I agree with the OP. And where'd all the other posts go, I posted like three times in here and don't see it.
Keep in mind, just because it doesn't appear in game just doesn't mean that it can't exist within the universe. One of my favorite arguments is that the game only reflects the norms, not every possibility. So just because we don't see tauren rogues doesn't mean that they can't exist. Grimtotem are the best example of such (and, as a random aside, they're not really as aggressive to every person as they are portrayed in World of Warcraft. That's just a mechanic in place, though they're not too fond of the current foreign relations policies that the Shu'halo have in place).

Remember, the game has balancing issues in place that limit us in ways that the universe wouldn't.

That said, priests aren't necessarily of the Light or of the Shadow. The powers wielded by a priest can be from multiple sources: various deities, belief, the Light, nature, and so on. That's part of the fun of playing a priest: deciding where your powers come from and how to mold them to your character. Or how your character is molded by them.

Paladins are a little more quirky. All of the evidence regarding them in the past has indicated that they drew powers from the Light. Even blood knights drained Light from a naaru in order to reclaim the powers that they had possessed prior to their fel addiction. It appears the foundations for tauren paladins have been put in place in Thunderbluff; they'll draw power from the sun (which I assume could be an adaptation of the Light).

carlthecamel Wrote:A note about tauren rouges that i would like to point out other then the one you have already stated... I dont think a taurned would be very sneaky, much less be able to hide well or blend into the shadows lol.
And yet they're extremely competent hunters who revere the hunt and have it incorporated into their culture? I don't know about anyone else, but a hunter who isn't able to stalk his prey without being seen usually goes pretty hungry... Not to mention that they can be wilderness stalkers:

Quote:A wilderness stalker uses stealth to slip unseen and unheard through the woods and sneak in close to her prey.
That sounds like a person capable of hiding well and blending into the shadows!
Also hooves. Try being stealthy while on a horse sometime, and you may see what I'm saying here.
On the contrary. Tauren Rogues are so sneaky you can't see them in the Character Selection Screen.
I think a tauren rogue would be much akin to a magnataur rogue...

"Due to their size, it is difficult for magnataur to become rogues, but a rare few exist; they are incapable of the kind of stealth most rogues enjoy, but specialize instead in setting traps and ambushes."
-Wowwiki on Magnataur Rogues.

More of a combat rogue than assassin spec, or subtlety if you get what I'm saying. They have the ability to hide, and not be seen sort of like a Nelf's Shadowmeld, or at least I would think so. These rogues would be taking their skills in hunting, and mixing them with the raw strength of a warrior. Pretty much just a melee hunter to be honest... But still, it could be considered a rogue. :wink: