Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rp gun restrictions
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Well. Since this has diverted from a topic about whether we will unrestrict the guns to whether or not pistols exist in WoW...

I'm going to drill back to point here. Mages don't use guns. Most wouldn't be taught how to efficently wield one. It's impractical. Sure, you can. Just like how a mage could also carry around a two handed sword, or wear heavy armor. But they can't do it as an in-game mechanic for two reasons, it's not practical to be a mage who hefts heavy crap around, and they don't know how to use it -effectivly-. Same is said for guns.

In a society where our -main- military weapon is a gun, it's pretty easy for people to say "Oh yes, I have a gun" in a setting were such a thing is relatively new. Mages, on mostly a whole, wouldn't have a need for a gun, and it wouldn't be as common for them to carry one as a side arm as lets say, a dagger.

Yes, there are pistols. Yep, for Gnomes and other characters, it makes sense for them to have a pistol. On a mage, not so much, unless they are a techno mage. Now, I could keep repeating these things over and over again, and still be met with "Oh well my character does this", when really... handguns aren't that commonly used, except by the few classes that regularly or can regulary train with them.
Thank you, Rensin, and thank you to everyone else who replied. The policy is much clearer now, and I believe we agree on our points: mages can use guns, but there's not very much reason to -- a statement I certainly agree with, although if a character had a good reason, I doubt I would look too much askance at it.

Now to go make my 2-hander wielding, plate-wearing, shield-bearing, charger-riding, half-dragon mage. ;)
(Translation: Back to my regularly scheduled lurking.)
I think it is noable to point out. In history it took a generation for the Europeans to actually use guns. Initially they were used to make noise and lower enemy morale. Shooting at people happened, yes, but not effectivly that you'd see volleys being implamented or long-distance aiming. Then even when Europeans managed to use guns, they still treated them like loud Crossbows too much, and would end up wasteing ammo on shots that made little to no sucess of hitting. It really wasn't until a few generations that guns replaced crossbows as the primary weapon to be used effectivly at a range.
A firearm is not my mage's primary weapon. It's for when his mana is out and his fwoosh is no longer there. What is the option for him if he can't shoot fire anymore? As a cloth wearer I seriously doubt he will want to dual someone with his one handed sword or a wooden staff (metal staffs might be too heavy for him). So he is an engineer, makes weapons... why not use a light close range revolver? This might also work when he doesn't have the time to cast a spell against a charging enemy. If this still doesn't make sense I'll start writing a prestige template for a technomage (I don't think I'll shoot fireballs but still).
I think you should respect the person who placed the items in game's wishes, and do not press this further.

If they wish to change the requirement, then they will post it in here.

But until then, I am locking the thread since no matter what any GM says, you find reason enough to doubt and continue to disrespect our wishes.

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